PRE-ORDER: Antec Lanboy Air Modular Gaming Case

Was this sponsored by CAT?

yuck.... not making me get rid of my antec 902.... sad to see a waste of a case..... wonder how many mugs...... er sorry loyal customers will buy this bug... err sorry bee getup hehehehe.

def not my cup of tea. not changing my bedroom decor to suit that brash colour scheme.
I see enough of this Black and yellow when i go to work each day at jcb so no way would i want to be reminded of work at home and i wouldnt buy an ugly case like this anyway.
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While the colour scheme is retina destroying i might take a gamble and get one, sometimes being different aint pretty but thats an attraction in itself:o
Looks horrible. never like antec stuff and this is just a great example. Coolermaster all the way!!!

Some of Antec's products have looked good tbh, like the Antec 902 and 1200, but this case is just...wrong.
ahhh hahaha haha haaaaahahaaaa what a nasty looking bit of kit, what ever wer they thinking??
we want names and addresses of anyone who buys one so we can stand outside their house and point and laugh at them
Yellow and black has always worked. Bee's and Wasp's use it and its the colours of Warning!

I guess this case is suppose to look aggressive which it sort of does.

Yes, a Warning to stay away and not buy it maybe! lol :p
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