I found this comical.

Whilst failing to realise that Sony clearly made a last minute decision to omit the camera from the console base hardware package in order to hit a significantly lower price point in a bid to grab media attention and early consumer preference.

I have no doubt that I will personally go for a PS4 and that if the camera was a part of the console hardware then I probably wouldn't opt to use it.

Its cool that Sony didn't force an extra onto people and yes the camera purchased separately will still not bring a PS4 over the Xbox price point. But it was clear they saw the Xbox announcement and made the call to hit a target price. It would always be the camera that would be sacrificed

But the fact remains that 90% of the early promotional shots of the console had a camera in the picture.
i have spoken to management about the pre order policy.

its nothing i can directly have an impact on, but it has been highlighted.

I know that being able to offer it would make my job a hell of a lot easier.
all pre orders we have will be getting consoles.

no retailer is currently able to order their stock as trade pricing for the consoles is yet to be confirmed.

sony have really screwed this up in honesty as we have had our requirements with the sony UK distributor for months now only to be told that we may not get any additional stock and that there is deadlines for pre orders etc.

too early to tell yet how it will pan out as that is all the information i have been given.

Guys, We have been allocated PS4 today.

The Standard console SKU - our allocation covers every pre order that OcUK has. If you have a pre order with Overclockers UK already, you are Guaranteed a console on launch day.

As our allocation has been pre sold already, I have taken the standard console SKU off sale.

In addition to this, we have Strictly Limited numbers of hard bundles.
This includes:

Playstation 4 Bundle with Watch Dogs - 3 Units Incoming
Playstation 4 Bundle with Killzone - 11 Units Incoming
Playstation 4 Bundle with Killzone, Camera & Additional Controller - 6 Units Incoming
Playstation 4 Dualshock - Lots Incoming.

The extra bundles will be put live this afternoon and are limited quantities.

There may be a possibility that we are allocated further consoles closer to launch day.


I actually requested 200 units of PS4 but they couldnt allocate me anywhere near that much, that is why the bundles are happening. essentially, we are taking everything we can get.

I have had no word from xbox distributor about day one availability either...
Are the bundles guaranteed for launch day? And how much will be charged upfront?

stock we have is guaranteed. but as mentioned, stock is extremely limited.

so once that stock runs out, there is no guarantees of more stock and anyone not guaranteed a console will be called and offered a refund as soon as we sell the allocation.

the main problem we have is that demand is mental and we are doing what we can to get what stock is available to us.

our pre orders take the full amount at checkout.
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