Precision Bomb hit Baghdad market

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18 Oct 2002
just got this from the beeb

Fourteen people have died and another 30 have been injured at a Baghdad market that was hit during an air raid by US-led coalition forces, the Iraqi authorities say.

Two missiles or bombs are thought to have hit the market, in the north of the city, at about 1130am local time (0830GMT) amid a number of coalition air raids on the Iraqi capital.

An angry crowd gathered at the scene, shouting anti-American slogans.

Reuters news agency correspondents say they have seen at least 15 burnt bodies near three badly damaged apartment buildings in a residential area of the city.

Some local people have said the number of dead could be as high as 45.

Correspondents say the incident, if confirmed, is a massive blow to attempts by coalition forces to minimise civilian casualties during their drive to unseat Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

It is likely to increase anger in the Arab world and beyond about the war.

A spokesman for the Royal Air Force said that an investigation would be held into the incident.

If the market had been hit as a result of by coalition action, he said, "we deeply regret the loss of civilian life".

TV station back on air

It came after Iraqi television resumed broadcasts despite an air attack on Baghdad's main television station by US-led coalition forces.
18 Oct 2002
Originally posted by Over Clocker
What i meant is i am waiting to hear the circumstances, it hasnt even been confirmed what the missile is yet.

I'm not saying it wasnt a mistake on the part of the coalition, it may well be, in which case more care should be taken, and an investigation will be carried out.

My reason, is that on Saturday afternoon, there was report that a missile hit an oilfield in Iran.

A load of people jumped on the US's back saying how thick they are to hit the wrong country.

It then turned out that the missile was actually Iraqi.

allthough CNN did report that a further 2 missiles did hit a border town inside iran
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