Predator: Hunting Ground Free Trial Weekend

I got it and requested a refund after an hour. Watching people play it on YouTube it seemed they had fixed a lot of the problems in the beta, however that's not the case.

No one is really playing it, so it's almost impossible to get a game going even just a day after release. Graphics are nice in parts, but it's still terribly optimized. Running on a 2080 at 1080p and just on high (there are 2 settings above that) you'll constantly drop to 50FPS in areas of the map and it will feel generally quite laggy. A lot better than the beta, but still bad.

There are a total of 3 maps. 3! Most of them look and feel the same. There's no single player, so how 3 small jungle maps can be justifiable for a multiplayer-only game is beyond me.

Most the matches are very repetitive and mundane. Somehow they've managed to make being hunted by a Predator unexciting. The AI is slightly improved, but still terrible.

Not sure what else to say... It's a slightly improved version of the beta with little to nothing added. 40 Euros is basically a scam. 60 Euros for the deluxe version is laughable.

They've taken one of my favorite franchises and made a complete mess of it
I haven't even watched Mack's review on this and I know I'm gonna love it.

From the videos I have seen, it just looks like (being the predator) jump from branch to branch and repeat.
We're aware some players are experiencing long queue times and are investigating the issue.

(nobody is playing it)
The beta I played, ok "not representative of the release game" reminded me of old 90's/00's games like Soldier Of Fortune style graphics it was very dated. What they need to do is basically take the Alien Isolation type of gameplay and stick it in the jungle. Suspense and not knowing where the Predator will appear. The balance being the Predator is AI and has kick ass weaponary and you and a squad of AI marines have weapons as per the film but limited ammo. Not this multiplayer muck.
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