Preferred pronouns

This could have all been resolved by just picking one gender-less pronoun to use for everyone.

Already exists: they/them

Non-binary people actively use it and everyone uses it in the singular when the gender of the person is unknown:

"Ah that driver in front is a lunatic, WTF are they doing"

Some trans people hate it though, you could refer to everyone as they/them as it is universal but some transwomen specifically want you to say she/her and believe it's a microaggression not to, ditto to people with the weird neopronouns. Though in most cases you're only using pronouns when talking about someone so they won't know anyway lol.
Anyone else just hear Jeremy Vine use the wrong pronoun for the lesbian caller with the very deep voice?

The silence was deafening

"Lesbians" with deep voices are a growing population these days, it's not an unreasonable mistake to make over a phonecall.
want you to say she/her and believe it's a microaggression not to
A good compromise just use their name, their chosen name is fine by me

Arguing over this stuff is such a waste of time, I dont mind whatever so long as I can be liquid Lava. If its all too serious for that then screw it Im not playing the game :p
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