**Premier League Last Man Standing (Edition V, Round 1)**

After one game, yes, yes they are :confused:

they got hammered by a team which has only just came up. it could have easily have been a lot more goals, had the other teams finishing and striking been slightly better.

if they dont improve their defence drastically, then i fully expect them to go down. they had a good season last time round, they are due a bad one.
Round 1 Results

The following teams all won this weekend:

Aston Villa
Man Utd

Shamikebab, Hank_Marvin, SideWinder, Miguél, Nazca, dpbadger, xxalxx, Sycho, Fishfingers, s4ch117, Lonewolf, Tom84, jackthezipper, Stumble Bum, explicit4u, KoR, Yateszy, StewartMG, shipinabottle, Artheas, Creature, Drawoh Tesremos, Silent-Lucidity, The Pat, Sone, Davey_Pitch, BaZ87, crunchee, aaron333, HangTime, ghost101, Haiku, No1newts, logix42p, Nursie, jakeke, cheets64, lego, Addictuk, 6thElement

Well done, you are all through to the next round (details to follow).

Tunney, Nossmayo, MoratJG, Disco Boy, slambo69, Majago, OriginalJonty, eatcustard, mrbios, tsinc80697, fez, Stag, j.col, Russinating, Hxc, goonerfan, utajoker, SoliD, St.Josh, el_dazza, ck88, [ASSE]Hinchy, Stretch, foz2000, CliffyG, Ripper, xibinim, Pigeon_Killer, K1LLSW1TCH

Sorry, you are out of the game. Thanks for playing, see you in the next edition.
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