Premium Pack on the way

androo said:
I just picked up a Premium System from Game in Leeds - got an advanced Scart Cable and a play and Charge kit too.

Can someone tell me before I open the Scart Cable - would I get RGB from the component HD AV cable or is it going to give me a better picture on the Advance Scart?

Muich better on the advance scard. The default cable is not RGB.
jkrohn1 said:
The Premium Systems component cable Is RGB as its HD hence a Red, Green and Blue cable??

If the cables that comes with the system is already RGB, whats the point in the advanced SCART ?
NokkonWud said:
Oh, teaches me to read stuff properly.

The Component is the best possible picture, the VGA, then RGB Scart, then Composite.

VGA is above component because it has 2 lines to check quality as opposed to 1 :)
BEN_UK said:
If the cables that comes with the system is already RGB, whats the point in the advanced SCART ?

It isn't RGB, its the composite to SCART, you plug the composite leads into the SCART head, then plug that in the back of your Tv, or don't use the SCART head and just plug the phonos in as you normally do with composite, as its just the same picture quality, the advanced SCART lead is proper RGB, so it gives a much better picture. :)

This is what you get with the system :-


The composite leads plug into that so you can use a SCART socket if you have any spare, if not then you just don't use that, and plug the leads into the inputs of the Tv that look like that. :)
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LoadsaMoney said:
It isn't RGB, its the composite to SCART, you plug the composite leads into the SCART head, then plug that in the back of your Tv, or don't use the SCART head and just plug the phonos in as you normally do with composite, as its just the same picture quality, the advanced SCART lead is proper RGB, so it gives a much better picture. :)

Thats ok then as there no way the Advanced Scart cable will go back into its box - especially as the box itself cut my hand!

Is there a setting for RGB or is it automatic with the PAL-60 option in the dashboard? The TV says its an RGB signal so im guessing all is fine.
Some Tv's only have the 1x RGB scart, if so, and your tellys got more than 1x scart socket, then it will have RGB written next to the socket on th Tv that is the proper RGB input, but if it says RGB then it should be fine, or you could check by plugging in the composite to scart lead that you get with the pack, and see if the picture differs, or if you have Sky hooked up on the scart, go to the options menu and change it backwards and forwards from RGB to PAL and you'll see the diff straight away. :)
androo said:
Thats ok then as there no way the Advanced Scart cable will go back into its box - especially as the box itself cut my hand!

Hah, so many complaints over the impenitrable plastic fortresses! They annoy the hell out of me. A bread knife is the dogs for it!
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