Preparing for Fatherhood

Good luck to you guys who are at the prepping stage, and fair play Kingdom for not learning the sex. No way did I have that kind of patience. With regards to baby monitor, how big is your house? We picked up a cheapo Motorola unit off of Amazon and tbh it's pointless (just like everyone here said it would be). She's either a) asleep, b) awake and happy to chill, or c) crying. Only rarely do you hear her fussing a bit before hitting c. Your call, but I promise you that you won't get much use out of it in the first couple months since you'll probably have her with you 95% of the time. Moses basket ftw.

My little girl is asleep on my chest now and has started to give us some amazing smiles. Warning: smiles may cause heat damage to your heart.

Lovely read that post...made me melt in anticipation.
Im not usually a patient person, but i know this one is definately worth being patient for...i said to my partner, im either going to faint or cry when the little one is a big softie and i think after reading the (heat damage sentance) it maybe on the cards that il cry.

House we have a 3 bed semi...a few friends have had monitors. Weve looked after our neice who was 5mths old and i was up all night worrying at the slightest noise....piece of mind and also the blanket monitor.
Our first is due on May 31st with a planned C section since her placenta is covering the exit essentially. I think we have everything we need so it's just a waiting game now. We have a 'Last supper' planned the night before at a nice restaurant. I expect it will be the last for a while!

We've also left the sex as a surprise (#surprisesex) and can't wait now.
Lovely read that post...made me melt in anticipation.
Im not usually a patient person, but i know this one is definately worth being patient for...i said to my partner, im either going to faint or cry when the little one is a big softie and i think after reading the (heat damage sentance) it maybe on the cards that il cry.

House we have a 3 bed semi...a few friends have had monitors. Weve looked after our neice who was 5mths old and i was up all night worrying at the slightest noise....piece of mind and also the blanket monitor.

You're going to love it mate. When they put this weird little squishy thing in your arms and you're sitting there with your mind blown wide open... It's exhausting, but worth it.

General rule of thumb for me so far has been: if it makes my life easier or reduces the time to get a feed ready, it's worth it. And if a monitor makes you feel better then pick one up, but don't spend loads on it.
We didnt want to know the sex the first time around. We found out though as there were some complications which invloved extra scans/trips in to london etc. All turned out fine in the end, and this time around we wanted to know the sex as honestly its just easier when you know lol.
We bought a super expensive pram because its the one she wanted, other than that it's all been cheap or second hand. We haven't yet bothered with a monitor but probably don't need to look at this until they move into their own room (currently in a moses basket), but not sure we'll bother anyway.

Breastfeeding starter kit that costs £40? Sounds like a gimmick. It's breast feeding. All you need is a pair of breasts? :confused:

Except breastfeeding is actually really difficult for some mothers and so the more help you can get the better.

I am the same, they either look like jacket potatoes or aliens to me.

I cant comprehend the gooey reaction but i suppose its the better more natural reaction for people to have.
I don't feel it about other children, and I don't really get why people cooed so much over mine, but you as a father and mother are genetically pre-disposed to do so, so you can't help it whether you like it or not :p.
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I don't understand it about other children, and I don't really get why people cooed so much over mine, but you as a father and mother are genetically pre-disposed to do so, so you can't help it whether you like it or not :p.

Totally this there is something magical about holding your baby for the first time that you can't begin to understand until you've done it! There is a connection that you will only ever have with your children that just can't be replicated anywhere else.
My advice is to get them in their own room as quickly as possible. We got our little one in there after week 2.

It makes the nights so much better not hearing constant mumbles next to you :)
My advice is to get them in their own room as quickly as possible. We got our little one in there after week 2.

It makes the nights so much better not hearing constant mumbles next to you :)

Like anything, take any advice with a pinch of salt.

Sleeping them in your room for the first 6 months (yep, really that long) has been proven to reduce risk of cot death, so...make the decision thats best for you.
We bought a super expensive pram because its the one she wanted, other than that it's all been cheap or second hand. We haven't yet bothered with a monitor but probably don't need to look at this until they move into their own room (currently in a moses basket), but not sure we'll bother anyway.

Except breastfeeding is actually really difficult for some mothers and so the more help you can get the better.

I don't understand it about other children, and I don't really get why people cooed so much over mine, but you as a father and mother are genetically pre-disposed to do so, so you can't help it whether you like it or not :p.

Yeah I never liked babies. My nephews were a bit different, but my daughter... Whole new ballgame

+1 to taking advice with much salt, and you'll get more than you want from everyone, but my only pro tip to you is this : when they poop, give it a minute or two before changing them. Unless you want to take off their nappy and have a changing mat /you covered in the rest of their poop
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Like anything, take any advice with a pinch of salt.

Sleeping them in your room for the first 6 months (yep, really that long) has been proven to reduce risk of cot death, so...make the decision thats best for you.

Ours moved out just before his first birthday he was still waking for a night feed so it was much easier to have him in the room than next door! I couldn't have put him in his own room at two weeks it would have felt really mean to both him and my wife who would have had to get out of bed and go into his room every time he needed a feed/cuddle rather than her staying warm in bed!

Nothing wrong with a blanket if used correctly particularly in a mosses basket where I'm not sure what you do with all the excess material in a gro bag!
Ours moved out just before his first birthday he was still waking for a night feed so it was much easier to have him in the room than next door! I couldn't have put him in his own room at two weeks it would have felt really mean to both him and my wife who would have had to get out of bed and go into his room every time he needed a feed/cuddle rather than her staying warm in bed!

Nothing wrong with a blanket if used correctly particularly in a mosses basket where I'm not sure what you do with all the excess material in a gro bag!

We used blankets in a moses basket and once he grew out of that (at about 2 months ish) then we put him in a gro-bag. Much more convenient and not really any excess causing any issues.

We initially moved him into his own room as he grumbles a lot. My wife couldn't stand the constant noises when he was asleep (didn't need feeding). Hence the move :)
No nothing wrong with a blanket, just tuck it under the mattress properly.

@Basher - I wasn't having a go at your parenting style at all, so apologies if it came across as that. I was just pointing out the other side of the coin in relation to SIDS, which I hope to god no one has to contend with.
No nothing wrong with a blanket, just tuck it under the mattress properly.

Maybe we have a particularly wriggly one, but that didn't work for us at all! He would wriggly the blanket free (however tight we made it) within about 30 seconds :p And @ platypus nope, no worries, different stuff works for different people.
We wrap her up in a blanket in the moses basket. We've also just had a huge bag full of clothes given to us :)

3 months old now and everything seems to be moving too fast :(

Always have a camera / phone near. Ours has started to giggle and it's the best feeling when you hear that.
Can anyone recommend a good baby monitor, blanket monitor, muslin cloths (bulk preferably), crib mattress and good places to buy baby not too expensive but good quality on the baby clothes and muslin cloths.

I know we will probably be bought a lot but i just want to see if anyone asks where we would want them bought from :-)
Baby monitor we have a motorola one with video which is quite handy.

Don't know what a blanket monitor is but sounds like paranoia.

Muslin is a muslin.

Mattress I think we got from JL.

Baby clothes you can get from anywhere, much of a muchness.
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