Prescott 3.2E safe o/c speed?

24 Jun 2004
I have an IC-7 Max 3 at the moment, and just wondered how much I can overclock the processor by with just using the stock cooler? I know I only have to increase the FSB (mobo allows everything to be increased) but I have not increased the CPU voltage yet.

Whats the safest options for me?
I was thinking about raising it to 1.4v as it sounds like what a lot of people have done. I have heard a few crazy people overclocking there FSB from the stock 200 to 250 and beyond. If they can get away with it then great, but surely they must have a special air cooler that they arent telling anyone about. Even the stock cooler only just about fitted. Shame there isnt a "IC-7 Max 3" list of approved CPU coolers
After my water failing on me & costing £300 to buy new parts, im not going back to that so soon again, thats why I want to stick to air from now on. Apparently the stock cooler is rubbish if you overclock at all, so what coolers do people have to seriously overclock it?
I can get it overclocked to 3.54, but its extremely hot and when playing NFS: Most wanted it stopped every 5mins or so, and im sure that was because the CPU was too overheated it had to take a breather. Im doubting whether getting this ABIT mobo was a good idea as it severely limits me for installing big heatsinks & fans that I want to
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