President Mugabe

21 Oct 2006
From what I hear, this guy has destroyed a whole country.

But why did the world let this happen? And why has'nt anything been done today?

Normal answers are that "there is no oil in that country" surely theres more to it than that?

Because last time I checked removing him from power for something as "small" as that is illegal.

By small, I mean he is no threat to any neighbouring countries etc.
Longbow said:
By small, I mean he is no threat to any neighbouring countries etc.

Spot on, Mugabe has been no threat what so ever to neighbouring countries or the greater surounding area, indead because of his policies of kicking white farmers out he's somewhat popular.

Jokester said:
Spot on, Mugabe has been no threat what so ever to neighbouring countries or the greater surounding area, indead because of his policies of kicking white farmers out he's somewhat popular.


Yes hes a model politician we should all aspire to. Leave out the business with white farmers his record is appaling. No threat to the surrounding area? Not what South Africa would say. The UN should have thrown the book at this guy a long thime ago.
Edinho said:
Not what South Africa would say.

So why have South Africa not stepped in, bearing in mind that Zimbabwe depends on their electricity for a lot of their power. That would be a big political leverage if the South Africans were bothered enough about him.

It has nothing to do with oil or the lack of it.

If Mugabe was white you can rest assured he would have been removed by now. It seems the world is blind to black on white and black on black oppression.
AJUK said:
It has nothing to do with oil or the lack of it.

If Mugabe was white you can rest assured he would have been removed by now. It seems the world is blind to black on white and black on black oppression.

On a similar note - I mentioned before that If the African nations are doing nothing....I wont berudge the UN at all.
Its because many Western nations are fearful of being seen as 'neo-colonialists', who go in and sort out the affairs of a country they once ruled.

Once we granted Rhodesia independence, then that should be that - they're independent, so we dont interfere. In theory ;)
Visage said:
Its because many Western nations are fearful of being seen as 'neo-colonialists', who go in and sort out the affairs of a country they once ruled.

Once we granted Rhodesia independence, then that should be that - they're independent, so we dont interfere. In theory ;)

So I presume you would be happy to stop all the aid money that we pour down the drain in Africa. After all, they are independent countries? I would.
AJUK said:
So I presume you would be happy to stop all the aid money that we pour down the drain in Africa. After all, they are independent countries? I would.

Well it would depend on whether that money gives us a net return. Its not a simple question to answer.
Visage said:
Its because many Western nations are fearful of being seen as 'neo-colonialists', who go in and sort out the affairs of a country they once ruled.

What's the general trend in countries that have regained their independence? I'm not a history buff so have no idea of whether in general it's benefited those nations or not. What was the old process of handing over like... was a suitable leader found or did they just say "Sod it, you want it, you have it?" and leave them to their own devices?

Just thought it'd be interesting.
Believe it or not, Mugabe is actually seen as something of a hero in Africa. He is viewed as a figurehead for standing up to colonialism, and kicking the old oppressors out.

And it seems that black people can't commit racism against white people.
platypus said:
And it seems that black people can't commit racism against white people.

Just because its a trite platitude thats brought out every time a black person does something objectionable, doesnt make it true.....
212 said:
From what I hear, this guy has destroyed a whole country.

But why did the world let this happen? And why has'nt anything been done today?

I guess the middle east keeps everyone busy!
Visage said:
Just because its a trite platitude thats brought out every time a black person does something objectionable, doesnt make it true.....
Note the word 'seems'. Where did I claim it to be true?
212 said:
Normal answers are that "there is no oil in that country" surely theres more to it than that?

The land is almost worthless to western countries, it would cost too much to renovate into luxury timeshare holiday homes.
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