Pretty fun zombie game


  • Stay on the right side of the map at the top of the second from right hill. That way you have an easy shot on their heads but still have plenty of room to retreat when they come towards you
  • Use the pistol, then the shotgun, then the machine guns. Always try to keep the ammo full of the next weapon, for example I'll use the pistol and unless I'm getting over-run I'll run back a bit and reload then advance and kill them. If there's no room to reload then switch to the fully loaded shotgun then when that runs out you have two fully loaded machine guns to use.
  • If they're over-running you press 5 to use the flameflower and bunnyhop away. They'll all catch fire and burn so they'll probably die before getting to you. You lose very little health this way.
  • Try to keep health packs behind you so when you retreat your health also restores.

Boo ya baby :P spent too long doing that but try beating that!!!!!!!!!!1111!"£"$£"5 (bet someone already did) gotta post a pic tho :P
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