Prime95 Problems NEED HELP

9 Jan 2006
Chester, Cheshire
Within the first 10 seconds of the Blend torture test in Prime95 this came up:

FATEL ERROR Rounding was 0.4999998361, Expected Less than 0.4

Hardware Failure detected,

1 Error, 0 Warnings

Tortoure Test Halted

The systems runs games etc, and 3Dmark05 so i don't understand why this is happening, i used to get pyhsical memory dumps with the blue screen of death, this doesn't happen now....Please help...i don't know enough about RAM.

Download MemTest86+ and boot it from a floopy/CD ( or if you have a DFI mobo it's in the BIOS ) and let it run for a good few hours. That will tell you if you have some dodgy memory.
Also try and run SuperPi too see if that bring up a error too.
Is this a normal problem??? Because all i've done is put a divider 266MHz and changed the DDR Voltage to 2.80V to help with the CPU overclock...

I tested the RAM on that memory tester programe before the overclock, it ran for 6 hours with no is this still hardware related problem???
Prime95 is very touchy with RAM setting, I found I could have 24hr+ pass on Memtest and other testing apps, but Prime95 would fail within a minute. Turned out too be small memory settings that OCZ managed to direct me to a solver.
have you not tried slowing you're overclock down and running it again? or upping the vcore a tad?
So in other words... Run the Memtest again with the overclocked system, because last time i ran the Memtest was before i overclocked! And see what results i get? Could it be due to RAM timings??? Any advise on changing them, never attempted it before...just used a divider.

AMD Athlon 64 4000+ San Dieago Clocked @ 2.92Ghz

CPU Frequency 290
CPU Voltage (Vcore) 1.475v
Hyper Thransport Frequency X3
CPU Multi X10

GeIL 2GB (2x1GB) DDR PC3200 CAS3 Divided 266Mhz
DDR Voltage 2.80V

This is what i'm running...any idea's? So you reckon upping the Vcore could would this help the matter of the timming between 0.49 - to the expected 0.4

so u run memtest before you overclocked??? yes do it again lol

it could just be that u've pushed the cpu a little to far so if memtest is ok this time slow it down or increase the voltage a little and prime again!

thinking about it... why dont u set all your timings to auto, put the ram on the biggest divider and run prime again to see what happens, if it fails again u can elimate the ram being your problem cant u :p
Put the RAM on a large divider to take it well below stock 200MHz speeds (eg 1/2 divider) and try Prime95 again. If it fails its probably your CPU, if it doesnt fail its the memory causing the previous failure.
What mobo are you using? I have a DFI ultra-D and used the suggested RAM timings/voltage from the DFI street forum and it runs Prime95 blend for 12hrs without error. It would fail after ~5hrs until i bumped the RAM voltage to 2.8v from 2.7v (suggested settings actually had the RAM at 2.8v so i guess it was right! lol ).
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