25 Apr 2008 at 16:03 #1 D.P. D.P. Caporegime Joined 18 Oct 2002 Posts 32,651 Can't print anything over our network any more. CUPs is installed but the system settings print manged in KDE complains that it cannot connect to the CUPs server... Any ideas? Worked fine until recently.
Can't print anything over our network any more. CUPs is installed but the system settings print manged in KDE complains that it cannot connect to the CUPs server... Any ideas? Worked fine until recently.
25 Apr 2008 at 16:28 #2 rick827 rick827 Associate Joined 10 May 2007 Posts 716 Is CUPs running (and samba if you use it)? server's IP still the same? no firewall changes recently?