Prison Break

is there really a need? They are still trying to get away from the authorites. Complete waste of time and money anyway
manoz said:
Yup it's been confirmed for a 3rd season, and to think it was only meant to be a 12 ep mini series. :)

you serious? I thought there wont be season 3 :o there is nothing left IMO :o :o
Season 2 is awful, It pains me to watch but I find that I may as well because I've got this far. Season 1 was terrific, it should have stopped there. Season 3, what the hell is that going to be about? Michael is a prat.
this show is actually amazing, though i really hope season 3 dosnt make it drag on too long, that would be so dire. just cause you are offered more money dosnt mean you should make it longer. i would rather have happy fans than be rich tbh
S7yl3s said:
Season 2 is awful, It pains me to watch but I find that I may as well because I've got this far. Season 1 was terrific, it should have stopped there. Season 3, what the hell is that going to be about? Michael is a prat.

I completely agree. It's cringeworthy bad, especially everything involving T-Bag (able to beat-up/kill/build despite..<spoiler, you'll know>) or thick Linc (I'll just smash his brains in, Michael). S2 is one long drawn-out excuse to keep the thing going.
Like you I watched it just to see how it would end, but I only just (a few days ago) found out about S3 being commissioned! OMG!
Tax Evader said:
I completely agree. It's cringeworthy bad, especially everything involving T-Bag (able to beat-up/kill/build despite..<spoiler, you'll know>) or thick Linc (I'll just smash his brains in, Michael). S2 is one long drawn-out excuse to keep the thing going.
Like you I watched it just to see how it would end, but I only just (a few days ago) found out about S3 being commissioned! OMG!

yeh but T-Bag is a mass murderer, he knows how to take advantage of, fight and kill people. Its not really that unreal, the character of link is tough guy from the streets, he didnt get much education, he runs on raw emotion.

plus why would you watch something that is 100% accurate to real life unless it was a documentary, it would be boring otherwise with no plot or point.
Protoman said:
plus why would you watch something that is 100% accurate to real life unless it was a documentary, it would be boring otherwise with no plot or point.

True, but (and this is only my opinion) PB has gone way off the other end of the reality scale - S2 is just too ridiculous!
Shame, because I loved S1, and I think doing S3 is just 100% milking it by forcing the story to keep going (a bit like "Lost" I suppose, although that's only what I'm told I've never seen an episode).
Maybe S3 will go bit too far, but we'll see.
As for S1, was the best..obviouisly breaking free!! S2 was awsome with all the story, twists etc.
Tax Evader said:
True, but (and this is only my opinion) PB has gone way off the other end of the reality scale - S2 is just too ridiculous!
Shame, because I loved S1, and I think doing S3 is just 100% milking it by forcing the story to keep going (a bit like "Lost" I suppose, although that's only what I'm told I've never seen an episode).

I have to laugh a little at this because PB was never on a reality scale in the first place. If you could read a recap of season 1 you'd laugh because most of it is unrealistic. That's why it's a work of fiction just like 24, I mean look at the 6 days Jack Bauer has had to endure. Is any of that realistic?

I think the main problem people have with season 2 is that it doesn't all take place in the same environment, eg, a prison like season 1. Season 1 alone is superb, there were more main characters, the twists were well thought out and added to the main storyline. Season 2 has had to rely on some cheap plotlines, mainly the Bellick one. It's been more action packed and we've seen a more fragile and nervous Michael who has not been in complete control of a few situations. We've seen the different sides to the escapees and Mahone's character has been brilliant to watch. It's followed on the theme of family and how important it it, everything, every character, comes down to the relationship with their family or the relationship they want.

Season 2 is very good, not as innovative and original as the first season but if you've watched any interviews with the creators or actors you'd see what they want to achieve with it. I agree that having another season is stretching the original storyline a lot. I think they could and should have ended it with season 2. They've had a lot of positive feedback from fans, ratings are as high if not higher than season 1. I can see why it's got a new season ahead.
Season 2 is very good. It's a little dull at some point but improves I am glad such program exists.

I don't know how far futher the story can contunue. But the second they lose Lance or Teabag, I'm off. :)
After season 1 its all gone downhill

Season 1 was brilliant, season 2 just drags onnn and onnn. Season 2 is like a poor mans 24

What on earth could happen in season 3....
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