Problem overclocking on P5B Deluxe.

1 Sep 2005
Scottish Highlands
Hello all,

I seem to be having trouble overclocking on my P5B deluxe. I did have a E6400 on a P5B deluxe, but then due to a stupid m,istake, the mobo blew, so I had to get a replacement. On the first board, I could get up to about 505FSB, and the CPU up to about 3.8Ghz. On thios replacement board however, I can't do anything! As soon as I try and change a setting in the Bios and reboot, it simply doesn't post. I can't even overclock by 1mhz. Im sure ive set everything how I should. Any suggestions? :confused:
I mate

is a brand new board?
in that case is possible you get a "duff" board-it happens :(

or when your previous board "blew"( depends how it blew) maybe some of your hardware is affected by that (ram ,PSU or even the cpu)

all this stuff is conected to each other,so when a component suffer a short or somethingh like that is allways possible to damage the other components
( I hope is not the case,but you have to check everething)

stupid mistakes happend,in last two months I killed two sticks of DDR2 ram
one when i take the heatspreeder of in one stick ,and the other when i take the ram of the board with the power still plugged :rolleyes: :mad:
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Well everything runs perfectly fine at stock, its just when I try and set things to manual in the Bios that it refuses to post. So im assuming its not the other components. I also hope its not a duff mobo, as its now smothered in di-electric grease etc.
messiah khan said:
Well everything runs perfectly fine at stock, its just when I try and set things to manual in the Bios that it refuses to post. So im assuming its not the other components. I also hope its not a duff mobo, as its now smothered in di-electric grease etc.


what bios?
no bios update needed to oc it usually least not with mine and a few people i know who have it. that said some have the P5B and some have the deluxe wi-fi/ap dont know if that changes anything though.
Right, ive done a bit of playing around today. Ive managed to set everything ready for overclocking, i ive disabled vanderpool technology, disabled speedstap, sat Ram to manual, etc etc. And it posts. So ive started to slowly up the FSB, and it works for a while... up to about 340FSB. Then it simply refuses to post after that. Its not the strap blackhole coming into play either, as it doesn't post on 401, 420, 450 etc. One thing ive nboticed as well, is that when I set, say 420FSB, it doesn't actually reboot. The screen goes black as if its going to reboot, but the power stays on. So then i have to switch it off and on, which obviusly resets the overclock. :confused:
i had problems with overclocking the p5b deluxe. Couldnt get my E6300 to 2.4GHz orthos stable but i tried randomly the other night and for some reason i can get it now to 3.2Ghz with it orthos stable.
So im well happy :D
latest bios is 1004. im running it alogn with a 6300 and 2gb geil 6400 ull

6300 @ 3150 (450x7) stock voltages (1.365 in BIOS)
and a 100mhz overclock on my ram 4-4-4-12 2.25v
messiah khan said:
Right, ive done a bit of playing around today. Ive managed to set everything ready for overclocking, i ive disabled vanderpool technology, disabled speedstap, sat Ram to manual, etc etc. And it posts. So ive started to slowly up the FSB, and it works for a while... up to about 340FSB. Then it simply refuses to post after that. Its not the strap blackhole coming into play either, as it doesn't post on 401, 420, 450 etc. One thing ive nboticed as well, is that when I set, say 420FSB, it doesn't actually reboot. The screen goes black as if its going to reboot, but the power stays on. So then i have to switch it off and on, which obviusly resets the overclock. :confused:

Thats hard luck m8, was hoping to see some good clocks from your rig:(. Is it the same cpu that was in the motherboard at the time of it dying? If so it could be that the cpu is damaged. I don't think it could be a coldbug either - didn't think conroes suffered from that, at least I hope not.
Yeah, same CPU. I hope its not damaged. I doubt it is though tbh, as I wouldn't expect the CPU to work at all, or very unstably if the burnout had damaged it. Im annoyed as well, as I did have it up to 3.7Ghz Orthos stable, or 3.8Ghz windows stable. Now im on 2.6Ghz :( Not really worth having phase for that is it.
Could just be a dodgy mobo, my first p5bdlx was crap - voltages were all over the place as soon as any load was put on the system - rma'd and 2nd one was fine.
messiah khan said:
Looks that way. But im no RMAing it now that its covered in Di-electric grease and buried under Phase and watercooling kit. :(

What are you going to do?

surely not run it at 2.6ghz :eek:

By the way I'll need you tomo night ;)
messiah khan said:
Looks that way. But im no RMAing it now that its covered in Di-electric grease and buried under Phase and watercooling kit. :(

Have you got a m8 who will lend you a cpu to test?
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