Problem RMAing Samsung drive - anyone know the law?

18 Oct 2002
Having major hassle trying to setup an RMA for a faulty Spinpoint F1 1Tb. The original vendor (unnamed as per rules but they're Manchester based and advertise 'superspecials' - be very wary!) has directed me to

In turn rexo direct me to Samsung's global site to check the warranty info, I then get a message 'out of service area'. Rexo reply, we won't touch it as it was obtained outside the UK. Obviously this isn't true.

Back to vendor, they are now totally ignoring me. Contacted Samsung direct, turns out drive was a grey import from Hong Kong, hence the problem. Samsung suggest the vendor must sort this out.

I vaguely know this advice is right - especially as the drive is under a year old - but does anyone know the actual legal chapter and verse I can whack them round the head with?

well ive just bought a f3 from a place,same place as you i think, i checked the warranty last night, that also said out of area, hmmmm

Yeah, reckon they gamble on it lasting a year so then it's out of warranty.

I think you're on about the place where I worked :S

Just go to trading standards.

Ruddy hell, mate, not much of a vote of confidence there! Already threatened them with Trading Standards. So, not much point in wasting any more time going through their cusomer services, in your opinion?
I left a while back :)

Have you called them Marktime?

Yeah, they told me to email in the serial so they could check it. Needless to say they haven't got back or answered any further emails. Will give them one last call before I start using threats.

This is why you should shop at overclockers ;)

I know - I've just bought the replacement from here. Couple of quid more but I've never had any trouble with returns from this place.
Ask to speak to Lars or Sally, told them I said hi... sure they should get it sorted for you :)

Top tip, mate, just been onto Lars and he's arranged an RMA. Was getting nowhere with the first guy I spoke to. Sounds like I might be wating a while for the replacement but no worries. Cheers for that:)
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