I took as many pics as I could this evening, it's a bit of a squeeze in there, but I managed to capture everything - http://imgur.com/a/20X6Oxf
Lools like an Intel LT430TX board which was used in a lot of PCs in that era, including Dell I believe.
Also @Sean Fox as per your other thread, is the memory you are trying to upgrade to SDRAM? Because the board is designed for EDO.
Edit: See this link: http://www.uncreativelabs.de/th99/m/I-L/34285.htm
The lower voltage and higher multiplier of the K6-266 meant that it was not fully compatible with some Socket 7 motherboards, similar to the later K6-2 processors. The final iteration of the K6 design was released in May 1998, running at 300 MHz.