problem with saving something

26 Nov 2006
guildford, surrey
Im saving something in here:


which i put into run/search in vista 32bit.

Its to do with a cd-keyproblem in quake 4.

But i do what i need to do and save it, and it comes up with :

"Cannot Create the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts files.

Make sure that the path and filename are correct."

It then closes as i cant do anything about it.

I also had this problem when i edited a Medieval 2 game file.

Anyone know the problem?
If you want to edit the hosts file do this:

In run/search, type cmd, then press CTRL + Shift + Enter. This will open up an elevated command window, after you consent to the UAC prompt.

In the command window, type:

notepad c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

You will then be able to amend the file and save the changes afterward.
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