Problems accessing hard drive and general weirdness

18 Oct 2002

Recently my spare hard drive has been acting very strange. When I double click it to access the files it takes about 2 minutes during which time the computer more or less freezes. Then when it finally opens the files it only shows one folder there, even though I know there should be many more folders and files. They're not deleted because when I check the drive properties there is the correct amount of used/free space.

I've tried unplugging as much as I could from my PSU and swapping the cables round to my hard drive because I thought it might not be getting enough juice. This hasn't made any difference.

1. Is there any remedy... has anyone else had this problem?

2. Failing a remedy, is there anyway I can recover my files?

Oh yea and finally, say if I type into windows explorer E:\downloads\music\info.txt (a file which I know is in this location) and press
enter, it will open the text file, even though the 'downloads' folder doesn't appear when I access the drive directly from windows explorer.

This leads to me believe I can recover the files somehow.

Anyway and help greatly appreciated,

Thanks :)

There's certainly something up with the disk, either at a physical hardware level or more likely the partition table or allocation tables are iffy. The first thing then would be to try and run Scandisk against the drive - right click on the drive in My Computer and pick properties, go to the Tools tab and then select error checking.
Ah good old scandisk, forgot it existed it's been so long.

Unfortunately though it doesn't finish, gives me an error message. I guess the drive is stuffed. Is there any way I can recover my files? Seeing as I can seem to access things if I type the directory path directly into explorer.

Is there any other solution?

Im having the same issues here with a drive my brother-in-law bought from an ebay seller

The drive is stuffed but the seller wont admit it, somehow he made made 4 partitions in such a way as to hide a shedload of bad sectors, the drive is defo forked because its diagnostic software says so
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