Problems with 3 metre DisplayPort cable

23 Sep 2011
My previous post seems to have disappeared, so...

I have a new laptop (running dual nVidia GTX 580Ms) with an external monitor (Samsung S27A950D).

I bought a 1.8 metre cable and it works fine with the desktop extended across both displays.

With a 3 metre cable, however, I don't get anything through on the external monitor in any mode (extended, duplicated, or even with only the external monitor selected).

I have bought 2 different 3 metre cables from 2 different suppliers and the same thing happens, nothing output on the external.

Could it be the length of the cable? Cheap rubbishy cables?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
This is one of the reasons I hate Display-port. It has a low-voltage very weak signal that is horrible for longer distance cables. DVI-D is much better suited.

Get a cable with the thickest gauge wire as possible. The cable should be over 1 cm thick. This has allowed me to barely run a 6 meter cable but I still get monitor issues and AMD display-port warnings every once and a while.
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