I have over the weekend changed my system from an AGP set-up to PCI-e. I am running Vista SP1 but am having problems with 6 games all using the Unreal 3 Engine (Gears of War, Medal of Honour Airborne,Stranglehold,Turning Point, Unreal Tournament 3 and Frontlines). When I come to use the games the speakers lets out nothing but screams and scratches. My other games work brilliantly with the set-up and with no problems just those 6 based on the Unreal Engine 3. I have updated the bios, used all the creative drivers on the net even used the onboard sound for a little while. I have disconected on-board from the bios. My motherboard is MSI K9VGM-V, CPU AMD Socket Am2 5000 (2.6 mhz) and Sapphire graphic card 3870 (The graphic's are outstanding). Is there anything else I could try or maybe just purchase a new motherboard. Creative are useless in trying to help. When the system was running AGP (Vista as well) I had no problems with the Creative card at all. Many thanks for your help