Problems with GRAW

26 Dec 2005
Firstly my system spec: Athlon AMD 64 3000+ processor, 149gb hard disk, Nvidia agp 6600gt, 1gb ram (soon to be 2gb ram), motherboard is a MSI MS-6702.

I am encountering delays and slow framerates with Ghost Recon. This is more noticeable during a firefight and suffice to say been killed a few times :( .

I have tried the different video options (tried it on low and medium settings) but still no joy.

Is it time for an upgrade do you think. I am about to upgrade the ram will this help:

Thanks in advance.
Hi mate, I have a very similar pc to you except a 6800gt and it runs like a dog, its a poor port of a xbox360 game.

You will have to put up with this more and more because developers will use the xbox360 first and then port stuff to pc.

Why dont you get a xbox360?

I have both and I only keep being dissapointed when buying most new pc software.
I have to admit I am thinking of buying an Xbox 360 when funds become available, at least that way I won't have to keep upgrading my PC or even buy a new PC when I want to play a game.
Yeh its a real pain to keep upgrading, its ok to say that consoles will be old technology in 2 years but how much do you need to spend on pc hardware. I spent £1500 in last 2 years on pc stuff and most of the new games will be jerky on my setup! not good enough anymore. I bought a hd projector and im gonna hook that up to my xbox360 and play on a 90" screen!!!! :p
dazsly said:
Hi mate, I have a very similar pc to you except a 6800gt and it runs like a dog, its a poor port of a xbox360 game.

Its not a port actually, built from the ground up on GRIN's Diesel 6.0 engine, it has elements to the game not available on the 360. Its just an unfinished game that needs major patching. Have you tried the new 1.10 patch? It may make things better for you? Also there is a giant patch scheduled for release in June that will have numerous fixes plus extra co-op missions, gametypes and other goodies. Checkout for details.

P.S - I've played this on a 6600GT aswell, and while its not brilliant it certainly wasnt so pap that it caused me premature in-game death.
I only tested the demo on my P4 3.5 6800GT 1gb RAM and it ran like a dog.

However I then updated my forceware drivers to Nvidia's latest and it runs fine now. Make sure you do the auto settings for the graphics and it seems to run smoothly even if it does look very jagged. Im at 1024x768 and ramping up to 1280x1024 does seem to lag a little.
I have Ghost recon on both the PC and 360, I find the PC versions o much more playable as im not a fan of shooters with Pads.

Im playing with a agp 7800GS 2gig and a skt754 amd64 3200.

The games not perfect but its still very good, im hoping it will be patched well (Unlike RS6 Letdown which as far as i can tell has been abandoned in a state of limbo).

Make sure you dont install the physx drivers it makes the game play allot better if you dont.

While im not claiming 100fps its still more than playable.
dunno if my 3200+ gig of ram and 6800 should be able to play this game ... but my frame rate was shocking in the demo... were talking it never got into double figures... which was definately a shocker as the previous "top end games" like fear and bf2 and whatnot run fine on my pc
DJammyRasta said:
dunno if my 3200+ gig of ram and 6800 should be able to play this game ... but my frame rate was shocking in the demo... were talking it never got into double figures... which was definately a shocker as the previous "top end games" like fear and bf2 and whatnot run fine on my pc

Dont expect much tbh mate, my 3800+ 1GB RAM and x800xt (at stock) runs the game terribly. Barely averaged 20fps at 1024x768 with all details set to lowest. :(
OzZie said:
Dont expect much tbh mate, my 3800+ 1GB RAM and x800xt (at stock) runs the game terribly. Barely averaged 20fps at 1024x768 with all details set to lowest. :(

oh rly ? damnn ... was planning on upgrading my pc soon but i didn't expect it to get so bad so fast
it runs badly on virtually any system going at virtually any res/level of detail. Also, AA is impossible to implement so jaggies abound.
OzZie said:
Dont expect much tbh mate, my 3800+ 1GB RAM and x800xt (at stock) runs the game terribly. Barely averaged 20fps at 1024x768 with all details set to lowest. :(

u must have some issues dude.

oc'd mobile barton 2500+
x800 xt pe
1gb ram
1280 x 1024
High setting in GRAW

usually stays around 40 fps (changing detail level has little effect on fps).

just about playable, but not bad for my old setup
Word on the street is that there's a new patch out which gives a big boost to framerate.

To be honest your system is a bit underpowered for games like this anyway
I have just fully patched the game and added another 1gb ram. It has improved the game a bit but still a bit slow.. :(
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