Problems withh HDD (RAID0)

30 Oct 2005
I recently rebuild my raid array 2x raptors and everything was running amazing again.

Recently however they seem to have developed a problem.

The xp loading screen flases by, the blue welcome screen, flies by but when i enter my password to enter my account everything seems to stop, no activity at all, just dies. 30 seconds later the hdd's go into overdrive and windows loads instantaniously!

so, any ideas as to what the problem is when i enter password??

ive ran spybot, noadaware, avg, hdtach, sisandra beanchmarks and theres not a problem anywhere :confused: :confused:

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Do you use mapped network drives?

I had this where logging into XP took ages. I finally found that the mapped network drive to my Linkstation was causing the system to pause as the Linkstation was off - I think XP was trying to find the resource.

I deleted the mapped drive and it logs in instantly.
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