Processing raw - noobie

15 Jun 2009
Very much a beginner photographer but like to shoot in raw for the most part. Have just shot several hundred photos of an event and need to get them into JPG and upload.

Fantastic, But they all need adjusting slightly. I was under the impression if I used Photoshop scripts > image processor, I could tweak the first photo and the rest would also be processed using those values. But they're just getting exported as plain JPGs. 90% Of the photos can have the same settings and I'll just manually do the last few that don't quite work out.

I'm doing something wrong. What is it?
Record edit of first image as an action.

Apply it to whole batch in Image processor.

If you don't want to edit from scratch again -

Select whole batch in folder. Rename sequentially.

Make copies of .xmp file and rename to match.

Use Image Processor to batch convert to .jpg.
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I don't see why. Shooting raw is generally more work, more time consuming and harder to manage the workflow. Why are you shooting raw? You say yourself you're a beginner. And you say they need adjusting "slightly" which doesn't make my sense for raw. If you're adding a bit of contrast and exporting jpegs then you've completely missed the point. What about sharpening etc. and other in camera processing that you get when shooting jpegs...
If you’re shooting RAW learn how to set up photoshop actions and create a droplet.

Then it becomes a case of drag-and-drop a load of files on the droplet and let PS do the work.

Used to use this method all the time whenever I’d shot a wedding and it saved me so much time.
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