Look again you will find you lose out on a lot of options in this new one compared to the itx version.
as someone has already said you put a rad at top then you lose the extra pci ports whats the point in that poor design.
I can't see in that picture how you can have 4 hdd and 4ssd unless they all stack right on top of each other which if that is the case is poorly thought out.
These prodigy cases are not that small there is far smaller cases also there is atx cases around this sort of size
this is my opinion others with love this
do you know when the release date is?
Prodigy is a very small case. those atx cases that are far smaller doesn't fit your radiators or as many hard drives now, do they?
Slim rads have equally the same performance as a high end air cooler, or a double thick 120mm rad. So if you choose a top mounted radiator, that's one compromise you're willing to have.
We'll show you more details on the case in terms of all the inside goodies, this is just a sneak peak