Product, date and price of your 1st Amazon order?

Dispatched on 23 October 2001

Items Ordered Price
1 of: Dungeon Keeper 2 Classic
Sold by: Amazon EU S.a.r.L.


A couple of years back I remember doing the thing where you could export all purchases to a spreadsheet to get total spend, I daren't do that now. :p

You can make a subject access request from them which will give you every piece of information they have on you including all Alexa requests (if you’re interested) but I believe it includes cost of items purchased.

also the first thing I ordered was
Eyes Open (Snow Patrol)
£10.49 including delivery.
1 May 2006
18th January 1999, Upgrading and Repairing PCs (10th edition), £31.76

Brilliant book. Always regretted giving it away.

And while I remember - I was terrified at typing my bank card details into a website! But saving a good £15 on the book pushed me over the edge. It was months before I bought anything else. These days I'll buy more from Amazon in a month than I purchased in the first few years I used them.
Roadcraft - the police drivers handbook

24th May 2007

Recommended reading by someone on the pistonheads forum. I am not a police driver!
two books

The Internet : The Rough Guide 2000 Paperback £3.00
Rainbow six (tom clancy) £5.59

December 16, 1999
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