Professional Driver - I reversed into a tree!

Nothing will ever beat a guy I used to know who was trying to sell his 944. Got a call from someone who wanted to come and see it, so he move it so it was sideways across the drive to give the guy the best viewing angle when he arrived and his mother prompt reversed her Nova out of the drive and straight into the side of it.
Ah well mistakes happen. At least not too much damage happened - though that might be a bit of a bummer to fix?

I bet you were mad at yourself :p I know I would have been, a) owing to embarassement b) my own stupidity for doing something so stupid :p
Freefaller said:
Ah well mistakes happen. At least not too much damage happened - though that might be a bit of a bummer to fix?

I bet you were mad at yourself :p I know I would have been, a) owing to embarassement b) my own stupidity for doing something so stupid :p

Absolutely, on both counts mate. :o
It's the tree fault for not relising that you'd bought a longer car since it was first planted. As conpensation it should be made to either uproot it's self and move or buy you a shorter car. Maybe a Rover 25 or Ford KA.
converse_uprise said:
What do you do as a job mate? I've seen you state that your a "professional driver" a few times now.

I'm a Class 1 (C+E) HGV Driver, I drive a Scania R124/LA420 44ton Artic, hence my username.

Pity I don't drive my car with the same precision required for the artic! :o :)
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Our wheelie bin has fallen victim twice to my reversing skills. I think the binmen put it there on purpose to catch me out.

Worst mistake. I was pulled up at side of the road. Passenger door was open. A car pulled up behind me, and i forget exactly why but being nice and courteous I crawled forward a metre or two to give him a bit more room.

A) I forgot the door was still open
B) I forgot the row of bollards along the edge of the pavement

Whoooops! Damage: Small Scratch + Dented Pride
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