Program to lock or hide folders?

28 Nov 2007
My boys are using my pc sometimes to play a couple of games but sometimes they are hitting buttons and coming out of the games and in worried I might lose a file or two.

I've found one from iobit but I'm not sure about that company. Anyone recommend a program for this? It doesn't matter if it doesn't encrypt files or anything as long as it locks/hides folders so they would need to enter a password to open them.

Cheers :)
My boys are using my pc sometimes to play a couple of games but sometimes they are hitting buttons and coming out of the games and in worried I might lose a file or two.

I've found one from iobit but I'm not sure about that company. Anyone recommend a program for this? It doesn't matter if it doesn't encrypt files or anything as long as it locks/hides folders so they would need to enter a password to open them.

Cheers :)
Simplest way just turn them into zipped folders
All the free zip/rar programs offer making passworded folders
Though they could still delete them
You could also use file history to make backup just in case
Or to prevent deletion there's built in options in windows
One way would be go to the files properties
Then make it a hidden file
Then turn off show hidden files in folder view option
Ideally they should have a separate account
Then you could use the security properties of a file
And remove delete permission for their user account
Create an account just for them and sign upto the MS Family stuff, then you can restrict access to folders via ntfs permissions. - you dont need the family stuff setup for ntfs but its a pretty decent service and gives you element of control over what they can access on the web etc.
AKA how to hide my porn folder.

Was just going to comment and say to the OP that sounds like a lame excuse for them accidentally coming across your porn folder. Encrypting files/folders won't protect them from being deleted.

So if it is data you're worried about, then a good few suggestions above, but especially make sure you back the data up if it's important.

If it's porn then just create a bitlocker drive and store it on there.
Right click on the folder, select properties, in the general tab tick the hidden box, then in the windows explorer main window at the top select the view tab and untick the hidden box. That folder is then hidden from view until you retick the main hidden box
Sorry guys I forgot to reply to this. The separate account done the job, don't know how I didn't think of that lol :)

It's Beamng drive is the main game my wee boy loves it and kerbal space program as well. He was playing on an old laptop before but spilled juice on the keyboard lol

I've got them sorted now with a pc of their own anyway with my old graphics card and cpu.

I've noticed a lot of games on steam you still need a mouse to get the game going, even in big picture mode.
Kind of miss the days you had to download what you wanted and make do with it :p Too much choice nowadays.
Years ago I used a program called File Guard and it worked a treat.
Funnily enough I was going to start a thread about hiding folders on a Synology NAS.
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