Programming for Windows

n3crius said:
yeah, of course it's productive. but i still think it makes us lazy.

if i had to choose right now, i'd go with intellisense any day.

it's not laziness it's profit making. the more help I can get with the little code I have to write the more correct that code will be. In the comercial world most code should be written at the design stage anyway and then the code or at least the object and method stubs autogenerated for you.

My intellisense died the other day after a botched resharper uninstall and I had to complete a load of prototype code without intellisense and it was a nightmare I can tell you :eek: and it took ages to get rid of the typos in my code and all that alt tabbing to the msdn reference made it a nightmare. I reinstalled VS2005 and it's back I can now wright code faster and with fewer mistakes. that has to be a good thing.

Oh btw I can code in ANSI C with vi on a monochrome display as well as the next man but I'd rather not go back to the dark ages tbh ;)

happytechie said:
it's not laziness it's profit making. the more help I can get with the little code I have to write the more correct that code will be. In the comercial world most code should be written at the design stage anyway and then the code or at least the object and method stubs autogenerated for you.

My intellisense died the other day after a botched resharper uninstall and I had to complete a load of prototype code without intellisense and it was a nightmare I can tell you :eek: and it took ages to get rid of the typos in my code and all that alt tabbing to the msdn reference made it a nightmare. I reinstalled VS2005 and it's back I can now wright code faster and with fewer mistakes. that has to be a good thing.

Oh btw I can code in ANSI C with vi on a monochrome display as well as the next man but I'd rather not go back to the dark ages tbh ;)


The thing is though, the limit on most programmers productivity is not the amount of time it takes to write out some boilerplate loop code.

Its the time taken to clearly think about what needs to be done within a particular block of code.

Ive seen some junoir developers with the latest whizz-bang IDE dive straight in and write code which, because th IDE does so much for them, is thrown together very quickly. But at the end of the day it may well be filled with obscured bugs, unconsidered corner cases and ill-thought out logic.

If the coder is using a simple text editor then yes, it takes them longer to write code, but as the process is longer, their mind is able to think things through while they're coding, and IMO the finished result is generally better.

Just my $0.02.
That's just a general trait about junior developers though. You can't blame an IDE for causing that.

Most colleges teaching programming will have a fairly strict "no IDE's" policy for that reason - it causes more confusion than it's worth for juniors.

For professionals however, an IDE is the ultimate productivity tool.

What are you doing hiring people that have clearly not used an IDE before for more than 5 minutes?
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happytechie said:
it's not laziness it's profit making. the more help I can get with the little code I have to write the more correct that code will be. In the comercial world most code should be written at the design stage anyway and then the code or at least the object and method stubs autogenerated for you.

My intellisense died the other day after a botched resharper uninstall and I had to complete a load of prototype code without intellisense and it was a nightmare I can tell you :eek: and it took ages to get rid of the typos in my code and all that alt tabbing to the msdn reference made it a nightmare. I reinstalled VS2005 and it's back I can now wright code faster and with fewer mistakes. that has to be a good thing.

Oh btw I can code in ANSI C with vi on a monochrome display as well as the next man but I'd rather not go back to the dark ages tbh ;)


yes it's more productive, and like i've already said, i'd rather keep it. i'm saying that it means I have to think less about what is somewhere in my own memory.

no one wants to be in 'dark ages' of programming anymore with languages like C, but I always try to revise my understanding of what it is I'm writing, and actually think about what I'm doing. there's a difference.

So, intellisense makes me lazy in a way, but I wouldn't swap back. gives me more time to study other areas.
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n3crius said:
no one wants to be in 'dark ages' of programming anymore with languages like C

i'm guessing you're not an embedded systems developer then :)
there's still far more lines of C code around than any other language, and there's plenty of us embedded types still churning out more.

anyone using C for windows programming probably is in the dark ages, but for some applications, it's still the best choice.
MrWhippy said:
i'm guessing you're not an embedded systems developer then :)
there's still far more lines of C code around than any other language, and there's plenty of us embedded types still churning out more.

anyone using C for windows programming probably is in the dark ages, but for some applications, it's still the best choice.
So you're saying you like doing that job? Doesn't miff you off a bit knowing that you work probably 4x harder than someone doing .NET or Java development? :p

I'm just kidding :)
MrWhippy said:
i'm guessing you're not an embedded systems developer then :)
there's still far more lines of C code around than any other language, and there's plenty of us embedded types still churning out more.

anyone using C for windows programming probably is in the dark ages, but for some applications, it's still the best choice.

you're quite right, i'm not an embedded systems developer mate.

i don't doubt the number of lines of C circulation. i'm also sure there will be a market for people skilled in it such as yourself for many a year to come!

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