Thanks for comments m8s
. I know, the tiny fan in the dvd haha
. All the pc gear you are seeing in this worklog is quite old and being used just for a good idea of how everything is goling to be, the front extension is purely so I can have full size dvd drives in the case and space for up to 10 hdd's also. And yes Darg that probably was my prototype of this, main reason for redesigning it was to make it strong, this is the longest time I have spent on making a case, I'm hoping to have it complete within a week or 2.
Aluminium cost was £120 with delivery and still have quite a bit spare
, its all the extras that pile up the cost like fans, switches, paint or polish, screws, nuts etc.
Ahh I seem to be picking up momentum again, another day another update and I caught a little sun woohoo
Now the front extension is out the way, I started working on the sides and top panel, as I said a load of updates ago I was unable to bend accurately with the cheap metal folder I have at 1.5mm so had to come up with an alternative, well here it is
Sides joined up to the top panel so sides and top slide off together as 1 piece, it was flimsy and tricky to get it on at 1st, but I put another angle bar underneath on both sides to keep it square so it all goes on a lot easier now
Also the mesh I made I put a little countersink in all the holes so it will be a little easier to polish because I'm put off sanding it and there was some rough bits that needed sorting from when the drill went a bit crazy.
I tend to start off really slow and start getting really productive the later it gets, I wrapped it up at 10:30pm
So all that is left to be done what I can think of right now is filing and sanding the top pointy corners, power/reset switch holes on the front, vents on the left side so the hdd fan can get fresh air, and a window or 3 and last but not least a lengthy polishing task.
I tried wet sanding a piece of scrap from 80 grit then 240 then 800 then 1200 then 2000 grit, it got ultra smooth but when I used the metal prep stuff it got quite messy leaving dark grey dust ground into the metal and took some really hard work to get it clear, probably spent an hour getting it semi clear so I'm not so sure I want to polish the exterior now unless I settle for a dulled mirror effect by not doing any sanding so would get a mirror effect like the 1st sample test I showed, but I know for cirtain I will be polishing the interior and the corner angle bars, that alone would look cool with windows so all the parts get reflected eh
, so possibly going to be painting the exterior panels not 100% sure yet.