It's back!
Well, whilst I don't have Uni work to do at least!
I've sold off a lot of the hardware that was going to go into this, seeing as I think this is now going to be much more of a long-term project then I originally expected. However, the project is still going to go ahead!
Anyway, foolishly in the mean time, since last posting, I got a bit fed up with the whole thing, and thought sod it, and tried spraying it, without the correct preparation....
It did not go well:
Anyway, we live and learn, just more sanding for me to get done. I learnt the joys of sanding with the Dremel though, so getting the paint off shouldn't be too hard.
So I thought it was time to start working on the case properly again, so started off with some basic cable routing holes. So: holes for PSU to back of case, PSU in and CPU backplate:
I then moved onto the Side Window, so all marked up
And started cutting.... Although this is where problem 1 occurred... It seems my Dremel seems to like eating through Dremel Discs:
For the record, these were the standard discs that came with the Dremel, however as you can see, to try and stop them from snapping (see above), I had doubled them up, so I'm impressed that they were demolished so quickly - pretty sure the case is quite resilient...
Anyway, based on advice, I tried out some of the speedclic discs... Seeing as they're apparently more resilient, and I had 2 lying around.... Well they didn't last long either -.-
Anyway, a trip to the shops later, and I'm back with 50+ Cutting discs, and some sanding drums in preparation for fixing my massive screw up...
Seems like the world was against me though, as coming back from the shops I fell off of the bike...
Set me back a couple of days, but in the end I finally have a nice side window cut out
Next task, was to drill the mounting holes, which frankly took forever. I've spent about 4 hours drilling 8 holes. I definitely need a better drill, if I'm going to do lots of drilling...
And to my delight, the holes actually fitted up!
So that's progress for now.
As you may have noticed, I've been banned from working outside by the gf... So, I've now relocated to my bathroom where it doesn't disturb people quite as much. I'll have to go back outside when I want to spray, but for now it'll do.
I'm currently working on cable braiding in the evening, when I don't want to annoy everyone too much with the small amounts of noise I make, so hopefully I can update you guys on that soon, and hopefully base sanding layer is going to get done this week!