All wired up and ready to go.
Wanted to do some testing with the stock cooler before I used the blocks.
That way I'd have some before and after numbers.
Here are some SuperPi times and IntelBurn temps (see max value in Hardware monitor)
And here are the improved times and lower idle volts (0.94) with the newer 1.8B11 bios
But more volts at load (1.21v)
Temps above are with the side panel
off - with it on cpu is 68/74/73/74 with 15x burn
That about what I expected with only one fan taking heat out of the case
Also have some power usage number for those that are intrested, all timings at stock.
P67A-GD65/2500k/WD black/WD green/4gb ripjaws/460gtx/xonar DG/Yesico passive/1x 120mm fan/stock HSF
3w Off
80-115w Loading windows 7
69w Desktop
91-95w Super Pi (mod 1.5 XS)
131-133 Intel Burn (v2.50)
188-234 Furmark (1.8.2)
With my 460gtx at 850/1700
70-73w Desktop
242-257w Furmark