Project : Black Ice (reborn)

Man of Honour
14 Nov 2005
Up North
A m8 showed me his abandoned case recently which saddened me :




The frog was not included btw as it was too heavy to post lol!

As you can see I'm gonna have my work cut out with this one but it would just be plain wrong to let a case like that go to waste. Apparently it was being used as a door stop of all things!

I'm not setting myself any time limits with this as I have a lot on atm but with a bit of elbow grease and a little investment (lots of time & little money hopefully) I think it's got potential to become a half decent build.
Yeah that does look a bit sad, like an old classic car abandoned in a field. Any ideas what you're gonna do with it yet? Frosted glass for side pannels perhaps?

It's a shame the words black and phoenix don't really work together...

Maybe the frog should live on....get a smaller frog and conceal it within the new build :D

So whats the rough plan?
Well the first job is to give it a strip it down and give it a damn good clean as its covered in grime and little spots of rust. Then it'll be off to the powdercoaters, hopefully just for the internals as the exterior appears to be in pretty good shape.
Well I've got nothing to lose really as the case only cost £6.79 (delivery!) lol. Rather than spend an obscene amount of money like my previous builds I intend on doing this one more on a budget...although like most bdugets its hard to stick to them but I'm off to a damn good start lol!
1 month on and the case was stripped down, sanded down and sent off to the powder coaters. There are also a few plans for a little fabrication which will allow me to fit a 5" screen aswell as some other bits and bobs. I gave Welshtom an idea of what I wanted so lets hope he can restore this case to its former glory, with a little extra buff to make it all worthwhile.
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