Project : Black Ice (reborn)

Powdercoat internals

So the case finally came back from from the powder coaters and I was very impressed with the outcome. The case is starting to look a little more like a PC case than a garden ornament graveyard.

After a quick wax and polish here's how she stands at the moment:



Modded front panel

The old A+ looked tacky and not in keeping with the look I'm aiming for so a new panel was made. The material used was from left over LianLI modded window panels so was an exact match of the colour and texture and looks like it's 'meant' to be like that. Vandal switches (both white atm) were also added.



Braiding the loons

I'm a big fan of Yate loons and the D12-SL12 are the perfect balance between CFM and noise imo. Obviously they are black but I hate to see bare wires so these, like those in my previous builds were braided.




I might swap out the connectors, or maybe just paint them black too but I'll come to that bridge when I cross it :).
Nice braiding on the fans, i use a couple of those same yates in my case and the bare wires dont look that great. The black braid really tidies them up:)
Rad Mounts

I plan on having a PA120.3 in the bottom but it wouldn't fit without modding the case so the PSU would fit vertically instead of horizontal. So once again my 'supplier' came to the rescue and made a custom backplate for the PSU so I could do just that. However, I forgot to ask him to whizz up some brackets to hold the PA on its side aswell as lifting the PA up enough to be vented by the side panels. Not having the time (or inclanation) to go out and buy some pre-made brackets I thought I'd have a go at making my own. Heres a few pics of how I got on with the bits and pieces I had lying around in my tool box.

Bracket plates bent to size:

I then attached the bent plates to some L-shaped brackets and sprayed them. Even though the Yates are quiet fans I wanted to ensure there would be no rattling of the case after fitting the rad+fans so I cut a little motherboard packing out to place under the brackets:


Here they are fitted to the case which needed to be drilled - hopefully I measured this right!:


Fan filters are a God send for those of us who don't like heavy maintenance and so I stuck some on the rad fans along with a neoprene gasket to give a good seal.


If anyone is wondering, I set the fans up in Push configuration. Numerous 'experiments' have been conducted by others and tbh I have tried both myself without noticing ANY difference whatsoever - just my observation as I'm sure there is some law in physics that should dictate which way fans are supposed to go for best performance but in my own 'tests' I couldn't find that one way was better than the other.


Lets see if my measurements were right;).
Radiator Fitment

Looks like I got it just about right - You don't thik I would have posted pics if I got it wrong do you lol?).




PSU fitted

As stated previously the PSU now sits on its side thanks to the custom bracket. I also gave the PSU the once over with a spraycan as it was starting to look a little battaered after numerous builds in the past.

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