Project BlackMamba

8 Jul 2014

This is my first post so tell me if there is anything you'd like to see in future posts.

Now with that out of the way I'm building my first high end gaming PC in the near future the parts are ordered and on there way just a waiting game.

Here are my parts

Case:NZXT Phantom 820 (Black)
CPU:AMD FX9590 Black edition
Motherboard:Asus Crosshair V Formula-Z
GPU:Asus 780ti in SLI with another Asus 780ti
RAM:Avexir Core 16GB
PSU:Cooler Master V1000
CPU Fan:Corsair H100I
Extra Fans:Noctua 140mm for now
SSD:Crucial 240GB
HDD:2TB WD Drive
Drive Bay 1:LG Reader/Writer
Drive Bay 2:NZXT Sentry 3

That's it tell me what you think updates should be coming in fast in the next couple of days

Thanks for reading BM
I got the case today. Rather annoyed with amazon ATM because of them misplacing £410 of stuff including motherboard,SSD,Radiator and my OS so after receiving a snuggle buddy I soon realised it wasn't my parcel :( so more waiting for the build oh well more fun when I get to build it also there will be no picture updates after July 16 as I'm going on holiday sorry about that but just to let you guys know many thanks BM
I'm just going to say it... i think your going to have issues with sli 780Tis and that cpu bud i really do.

Any reason you picked it over something like the 4770K/4790K?

Other than that a great spec, look forward to the build.
I know the CPU runs hot it's why I've got the h100i and a massive case should help with the cooling I plan to update to the kraken x61 when it comes out but for now the h100i which should keep it cool enough also the case is full of fans for cooling the SLI 780‘s. And believe it or not the build was meant to be a £1000-1500 build and it spiralled out of control and well it's now what it is but I also kept the CPU because 5ghz it's enough to be awesome for a lot of games and I plan to upgrade to intel at some point just not yet many thanks BM
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Yes, really wouldn't recommend it unless it was a bargain. An i7 would do much better at the same cost.

It's not all about clock speed, an i7 at stock speeds of about 3.4-3.6ghz would comfortably beat the 9590 at 5ghz.
I would personally have gone for an i7. Seems like an odd choice buying a £230 CPU with plans to upgrade to a £270 i7, rather than just buying the £270 CPU. :confused:

Especially as the FX9590 will run at a temperature similar to the surface of the sun, and will require its own power station. Whereas a 4790K will use power frugally and run much cooler.
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Sorry acme that wasn't a reply to you I plan to upgrade when the 5000 series of Intel come out whenever that is also I like amd my friend runs amd and his computer runs fine even on high end games I've run intel before and I kinda wanna see what AMD does and I'm making sure it's cool as ice (not literally) many thanks BM
Is that motherboard going to be capable of supporting the 9590? I read somewhere that the Crosshair V Formula-Z has a max of 140w, the 9590 needs 220w

Look forwards to seeing the pics :)
I think you're going to regret not getting an I7 Mamba, i'm trying to sound mean picking holes in your build bud, it's just that the cpu IS going to bottleneck those 780Tis.

Is there no way to swap for a z97 build?

If possible i'd drop the Amd cpu and mobo and replace them with something like:

It's great that you want to see what AMD can do, but unfortunately it's just hot and underpowered at the moment.
To answer the first question it supports the 9590 I checked and to answer the second question I'm sorry I can't change it's to late I'm sorry I'd rather this thread not be about AMD vs intel because fan boy vs fan boy never turns out well and no one wins many thanks BM
To answer the first question it supports the 9590 I checked and to answer the second question I'm sorry I can't change it's to late I'm sorry I'd rather this thread not be about AMD vs intel because fan boy vs fan boy never turns out well and no one wins many thanks BM

Ok sorry blackmamba, but just so you know, i'm really not a fanboy of intel or anything like that, i've tried a few AMD cpus in the last 2 years alone, fx4100, fx6300, fx8350.

They do make fantastic budget cpus, my only concern was that your system doesn't appear to be a budget build, you've got a fantastic spec for the most part and i'd hate to see you lose out on a fair bit of performance that's all.

I've seen a 8350 @4.8 bottleneck crossfire 7970s, i can't even imagine what one would do to two 780Tis @5.0.

I hope i'm wrong bud i really do, regardless back on topic, looking forward to seeing this get built, make sure you update with lots of pics, we all love pics here! lol.
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