project: build file server into draw unit!

It's looking pretty swish at the moment. Just need to clean up the edges of the plate, Im assuming its the glue? But other than that its a good start.
Ive glued the button in place so thats that done =]

Found a spare bracket from a previous case for the HDD that hopefully will cut down the noise.



The lil rubber things will stop the screws from vibrating and it will be fixed on something so it does not vibrate in the draw =]

Tomorrow morning im going to cut the hole for the PSU to be fixed in, got to wait till morning because the saw is in the garage and i cba to go out and get it =]


Hoping to get the PSU fixed in and the mobo tray too =]
For your fan cuts, try and cut a grill straight into the wood, will look much better that way.
Cut in the back and put the PSU in, and also glued the mobo tray in :p


Does look a little bit of a mess but 1. Its inside and 2. i will tidy it up at some point.

Idea behind the foam is to stop the metal touching the wood and vibrating :D

Might have some more done later but we shall see.. waiting for glue to dry now =]

And before anyone asks how im going to get access to the ports on the mobo.. i dont need them, only thing being plugged in is a network cable!
Got this today when i finished work -


I then decided i didnt like the look of that fan that was on it (looked like the type to make lots of noise)

So i did this to it =]


Stuck it inside and it looked like this xD


Decided to stick another fan on the PSU aswell


And finally put the cpu cooler on, and thats all ive done ^_^

I stuck it on the PSU because it was spare, im sure it will help :p

Just have to drill a hole in the top of the draw unti for an intake and add another fan at the back maybe and it should be almost done :D

Gong to get a fan controller and stick it inside untill i cut it into the front of the draw.

Must admit i got carried away with the foam but should stop vibrations :D
I will, still got some more fans at the back to put in yet, waiting for el post to arrive with them though.

Cant see there being any problems..its only a amd 3400+
pc-modd said:
I will, still got some more fans at the back to put in yet, waiting for el post to arrive with them though.

Cant see there being any problems..its only a amd 3400+

I think the posties are on strike mate, may be waiting a little longer.
Garyj881 said:
I think the posties are on strike mate, may be waiting a little longer.

:( I got stuff in the post too.

Damn them, and myself being a cheapo on postage.

Back OT, drawer is lookin' pretty swish now :D
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