Well I have to sell a load, so providing I can get some pictures taken today, I've got motherboards, CPU's, memory and I think some graphics cards to sell off. Mostly older things like Socket A and DDR1 but I think I have a 754 board and a 775 board as well that has to go as well as a 4870 X2 that's for some reason not working!! I'll see what I can do
But thank you for saying about all the hardware Its still not completed yet!!
I didn't think that the extra fan would have made any difference really to the cooling performance. The fans I chose where thicker (38mm) and they push a massive 133CFM of air each and to be honest, even at the lower settings I have them set to, the cooling performance is amazing. Even when the room was hitting 27C my idle temps wheren't reaching 42C even with the 4.4Ghz overclock.
The rad's and blocks are doing a massively impressive job and when I do find the cash to spend on getting the two 580's I have installed currently onto water cooling, I'm sure I'll notice another massive drop with their temps as well.
Even though I never see the temps even touch 80C when gaming for a few hours, the idle's rarely go up past 40C even for the bottom card. I mean at the moment, the bottom card is only touching 26C and the top is at 31C. Now for air cooling at the temp of the room (23C at the moment) I'm very pleased with the cards.
I hope when I get the other system running, I can say that the CPU temps are even better because I have a newer block to put on it and I'm hoping for at least the same performance from that if not a little more
I'm a lucky guy to have any of this hardware and I'm hoping that the girl friend wont kill me if I continue to spend more on it!! I'm very lucky to have her as it is!!
I am just working on the 762 build this evening, I'm hoping to get it all tubed up and the CPU water block installed whilst I'm watching a film and chilling for the evening
Hope your all enjoying the build so far Its definitely been a long time coming!!
Thanks for the kind words guys, I'm just connecting up the CPU water block with the CPU loop and the motherboard loop for the 762 build, I'll try and get some pictures up tomorrow for you Its a shame I dont have any other GPU's to put in it, but I'll see what I can find!
Enjoying the build again, I just wish I had managed to finish it off sooner!! Still wondering when the new Nvidia cards are going to be released? I do wonder if they will be much faster than the current 580 or the newest ATI flagship 7970?? Time will tell!!
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