Project CTID

1 Oct 2008
Designing Buildings
aka City Till I Die :D

Over the past few months I've had that upgrade itch since the last (and only build) i did was shortly after joining these forums in 2008.

So going from an ok build of a q9550 I've decided to go for an Ivy Bridge set up (still waiting for the chip to be released though :p)

I opted to go for a Red White and Black theme (based on Brechin City's home colours) and after weighing up a few options I've settled (and bought) this gear already.

Corsair 600T White case
Corsair H80 Cpu cooler
Western Digital 2Tb Cavier Green HDD (Storage 1)
Crucial M4 128Gb SSD (OS drive)
Western Digital 1Tb Cavier Green HDD (recycled from current rig)
LG Super Multi Blu, Blu Ray RW
ASRock Z77 Extreme 6 Mobo
Gainward GTX580 3Gb GPU
G.skill Ripjaws-z 4 x 4Gb 1866Mhz DDR3 Ram
Antec Quattro 1000W PSU (recycled from current rig)

Will mainly be doing Photoshop / Lightroom stuff on it with a bit of gaming on the side.

Will be looking at getting an i7 3770k CPU when its released along with getting Windows 7 Ultimate.

At the moment I'm holding off from delving into the packages cos i want to build it in a oner but I reckon I'll probably get things started by installing the Blu Ray, HDDs etc into their slots along with fitting the CPU Cooler backplate onto the mobo before getting everything else done when the CPU is released.

Seeing as I've only done the one rig before I assume there aren't too many things that have changed in the past 4 years? I'm sure I'll have a few questions along the way though.

Pics will follow but I'm getting ready to get the supporters bus for todays match :D

Any comments / advice welcome.

The bits and bobs so far. Omitted the SSD for some reason.....forgot it was on top of some books in my room! Oh and a Signed Brechin City Shirt for the colour scheme :D


The ASRock Z77 Extreme 7 with Corsair H80 backplate fitted.

Tempted to unbox the case and get the mobo mounted along with fitting in the SSD / HDD / Blu Ray drive along with the ram :D
Cheers Stinger


Installed the Mobo and RAM sticks, also changed the stock rear fan for erm, the H80 corsair fan (blades look a bit chunkier to shift a bit more air!) Although not really visible I've added in the 2Tb HDD in the top drive bay slot as well as the Blu Ray drive second from the top in the optical drive bay.

First impressions on the case is that I like it a lot. Generous space behind the mobo for cable (mis) management so that the 'front of shop' looks as tidy as possible. Will take a look tomorrow at getting a few of the case cables linked up and see if I'll need to braid anything to make it look a bit cleaner. :)
Looking good, I would imagine its quite soul destroying having everything there with the exception of a yet to be released key component (CPU)?
I've had the cooler since december! just really the past couple of months that I opted for Ivy over Sandy and flung my cash into the rest of the build. I'm sure that braiding a few bits of cable will keep me going over the next few weeks anyway!
When you said Red and Black I was expecting a ROG style build.

You're going to risk having a black and gold rig at this rate (with the Mobo/GPU) xD

Love the Phantom coolers though. Very Jealous.

When you said Red and Black I was expecting a ROG style build.

You're going to risk having a black and gold rig at this rate (with the Mobo/GPU) xD

Love the Phantom coolers though. Very Jealous.


Yeah looking at my photo there the mobo is quite 'gold' Going by the OC product pics it was only apparent on the northbridge etc. I'm sure once the cooler / gpu and wifi card are installed you wont see too much of the board. Also got some red cable braiding with white heatshrink to add to the cables so that'll boost up the theme colours some more ;)
Decided to lump the GPU in so i could get rid of a few boxes out my room tonight


Also on the right hand side I've added one of the braided SATA cables to the Blu Ray drive to see how it will look.

Also noticed that the GPU has two power slots :eek: reading the manual looks like it needs both an 8pin and 6pin to power it up. I'm sure my current one just has the 6 pin power cable.
Progress has halted somewhat. Did a bit of braiding on another SATA cable. Ordered another 3 to do the same with. Might have to order up a couple of extension cables for the mobo and gpu and make them look pretty :D
has that green drive ever given you issues? sorry i have one and it has bad sectors, and lots of annoying thisngs meaning im gioing to have to replace it.. and its only 6 months old!
cheers mawat, I'm sitting patiently waiting on the old Ivy to be released so i can continue with things.

zzzac, not had any probs with the cavier green. got a couple in my current rig, along with a NAS so opted to continue using them.
Ordered my 3770k today along with some white sleeving and some small heatshrink. got a few things to sleeve over the next week before i get the new build up and running :D
Took delivery of this little lot yesterday from that nice chap Nils from Germany :D

Will get braiding a few cables over the weekend but need to put that on hold as I'm leaving shortly for the football :)

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