Project CTID

Minor update


CPU and Corsair H80 installed along with braided 8pin power extension cable at the top.


Second fan installed on the Corsair radiator :)

Now that the football season is finished I'll be able to concentrate on braiding a few more cables then getting the PSU switched over from my current PC after backing up all my files :D


Oh and King Damager, yeah the braiding is red along with some white as well.
Looking really clean and tidy :)

Yeah I'm trying to keep it that way. Got a lot of cables to sort out, some to braid as well so it'll get messier! I'm still having trouble with the 24 pin extension cable though so that might have to remain unbraided for now. Still deciding on what OS to run as well so probably have to fork out for Win 7 Professional or Ultimate. Dont have a huge download allowance so downloading Win 8 is a no no.
For me the trouble is the female pins really are wedged in. I have tried all sorts trying to the get pin removal tool in there but no matter what i try i just cant pull the pins out at all! The male ones are simple enough though. Didn't have too much bother with the 8 pin extension cable and they are essentially the same only more pins :mad:
began ripping into my psu pci-e cables to get them braided last night for connecting up to the Graphics card and I'm having the same bother as with the 24 pin cable :mad: although most of the pins are ok to remove its down the two pins which have two cables connecting into them. Hopefully I'll get something done to them today so i can finally back up what i need to on my current pc and transfer the psu and other HDD into my new build.
Are your Rad fans the correct way?

Post 4 picture, the fan is an exhaust and then when the rad and 2nd fan are fitted, the 2nd fan seems to be blowing in.
Are your Rad fans the correct way?

Post 4 picture, the fan is an exhaust and then when the rad and 2nd fan are fitted, the 2nd fan seems to be blowing in.

oh yeah, when i was installing the second fan I noticed that as well and flipped the first one round so that they were both blowing into the case to be exhausted by the top fan :)
Another minor update. A bit of braiding done while the footballs on


Going to have another crack at the 24 pin extension cable this evening. Ordered up Windows 7 Ultimate today as well so I'm almost at the stage of changing over the PSU and getting everything backed up for the switch over :D
2 hrs during the Champions League last night and another half hour this morning and I've finally got the 24 pin extension cable done :D Need to give the female pins quite a pull to get them out compared to the male pins but got there in the end.


Was trying to get the white lined up front and back like on the football strip but the way the cables bent it hasn't quite worked out like that :p Ah well.

Still undecided to where to fit the SSD. Any suggestions? So far as a quick fix I'm thinking just plonking it on top of the first HDD till i figure out somewhere more permanent.
I've done a quick fix this evening and put it in the tray below my HDD. I'm up and running with windows 7 now as well :D

Just got to sort a few things out before I'm fully buit up and taking a few pics of the final build.
Think I've wired something up wrong. Even though it powers up no problem and I'm working away installing all my programs and getting storage sorted out when I go to shutdown the pc, the monitor signal goes, my bluetooth adaptor loses power but the fans are still running after everything else is 'shutdown' :confused:
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