Project : Dark Water - It Lives !

Looks fantastic. Im going to be doing a new build soon, i have watercooling, but everything is external since i made the bad decision of buying an Asus Vento 3600 as my case, looks big on the outside. Its a very good trick as its like sardines inside the thing.

I really want your case now, however i just wish i could afford it.
Like has been said above, really makes me want to build a water cooled PC, Looks fantastic mate :D
Couple of updates.

Added mesh to hide the cathodes that were visible from behind the name plate.


Bit of an update - 30/8/08.

Front of the original was " too busy "

Still trying to find a front panel design that i'm happy with , i've got one in mind and i'm waiting to see if it'll work.

Had one made for the front reservoir idea , but i'm going to put that on hold - going to change the tubing and barbs etc.

So i meshed off what was going to be the reservoir window.

To mount a res in the front mean't i needed to move the HDDs' from horizontal in the drive bays to some where else.

So i used some left over acrylic and some £1.00 plastic shelf corner and came up with this , mounted vertically in the front drive bays :


Fully assembled , acrylic glued to HDD and thumbscrews fitted :


^^ Excuse the dust , acrylic is a magnet for the stuff !!!

So , how it looks at the moment ( Damn , i've just noticed the fingerprints on the front , whoops ! ):


And a "dark" shot :


Thanks for reading , to be updated ...... :D
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