Project David

5 Dec 2010
Her begins my Christmas holiday project. Because it is Christmas I thought I would go with a religious theme for the name and because this will be based on a beastly ITX rig what better name than David.

This is my build as it currently stands:

And the case it will be going into is one of these lovely things:

It was supposed to be arriving today but the retailer I ordered it from doesn't even have any in stock yet (was supposed to be coming in on Wednesday but didn't) :mad:

However I did receive another package today from Nils at MDPC-X:

Both tools are great and I have been practising on some spare cable whilst I wait for that case to arrive.

So the plan of action. Going for a blue/white colour scheme to keep in with the mobo and RAM (oh yeah I now have the white Vengeance LP RAM rather than the XMS3 :cool:). Things I know I will be doing are shortening the cables on the PSU and moving some of the connectors around as clearly Silverstone do not have a clue. I will also be braiding the cables but I don't yet know what colours to go for could go with plain old black or blue and white or blue and black or just blue or just white aaaarrrggghhh too many choices any input would be much appreciated. Also very tempted by heatshrinkless braiding as it looks great but I really have no idea how you would do that so if someone could enlighten me that would be fantastic. Also definitely getting LEDs for the inside and painting the fans, going to go for white frames with blue blades.

Potentially could get the inside powder coated white still not yet decided whether that is a good idea or not but if I do then I will definitely be drilling all the rivets and replacing them with anodised blue rivets and replacing the rubber grommets that hold the HDD bay with blue ones also (it is the attention to detail that counts). Have also seen some case mods that put a layer of transparent coloured acrylic behind the mobo with some LEDs under the mobo to give it kind of an outline trouble is not too sure how much of the mobo you will be able to see when the cables are in, will have to see when the case arrives. That also leads me on to another idea I had which was to put some cable management holes in and route the cables under the case and build something to cover the cables underneath. Could look smart could look **** need to put some more thought into that idea. Also will definitely be getting a cover for the ODD inside the case which is very easy to do and looks great and also potentially a stealth mod for the ODD on the front of the case but I am not sure how to stealth up a slim laptop drive, any ideas? Also want to paint the PSU but not sure whether to do it in blue or to send it off to the power coater's with the rest of the case to get it done in white.

The thing I am really unsure of is what to use as a cover. Now I could stick with the stock cover and it be a lovely stealthy box that looks awesome on the inside but what is the point in that? I could cut out windows in the existing cover or I could do a whole new cover from scratch. I just don't know. What do you guys think?

Hopefully the case will be arriving early next week so we can get down to business.
Will be watching progress :D

Want to do something similar, but with a SG05.

What card are you planning on using?
Will be watching progress :D

Want to do something similar, but with a SG05.

What card are you planning on using?

My current one is a HIS 6950 with unlocked cores but waiting to see what the 7000 or Kepler bring but that is a way off so will be looking into things to do to my current card to make it more in keeping with the rest of the build. Possible a colour swap the main black body for white and the red accents in blue. Sounds good actually.
I vote for white and blue cable with the box painted white. Jmho

I think I am with you there. That is certainly the way I have been moving. Another question is what about the connectors on the end? Do I leave them black or try to source white ones (all the ones I have seen so far have actually been clear) or blue ones? Decisions, decisions.
My op, black or corsair blue. I have no idea what components your thinking about getting so I know my vision is different than yours. My tries with clear blue and black I did not like. But that's just me. Remember, that getting all these colors to match will be the hardest part. Did you get the aquamarine blue from Mdpc? Nils still charging an arm and a leg for the best sleeve in the world?
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My op, black or corsair blue. I have no idea what components your thinking about getting so I know my vision is different than yours. My tries with clear blue and black I did not like. But that's just me. Remember, that getting all these colors to match will be the hardest part. Did you get the aquamarine blue from Mdpc? Nils still charging an arm and a leg for the best sleeve in the world?

Well I hadn't ordered the braid yet and when I went onto the site yesterday it said the shop was closed because Nils wasn't feeling well so that will have to wait. Yeah guess I can just stick with black unless I find somewhere that does proper white. The search continues!
Just ordered a new PSU. Its a BeQuiet BN188 80+ Gold. Its one of only two 80+ Gold PSUs that is 600W+ that conforms to the actual ATX PSU specification of 140x150x86mm. The other PSU is the FSP Aurum Gold and when you consider that the BN188 is based on the Aurum but for half the price and with a better fan then you can't really complain.

So that means I will take the PSU into the workshop on Thursday so I shall be cracking it open to send the outside off for poweder coating and I will be desoldering some of the unnecessary cables and shortening the others. Will be a big job.

Hopefully the case will have arrived by then, fingers and toes crossed, and it can get powder coated before I go on holiday.
Managed to order the braid and the case is winging its way to me so photos of the virgin case and PSU tomorrow before they go off to the powder coaters on Thursday and then photos on Thursday of stripping the case and modding the PSU then hopefully photos over the weekend of the heatshrink going on.

Its all coming together. VERY EXCITE!

Oooh look a new PSU:

5 minutes later:

The PSU needed to be stripped down as the case is getting powder coated along with the SG08 so whilst it was open the cables got a little trim and some got desoldered...quite a few got desoldered actually I will never be using them.

Suddenly a case:


Today at work:

Yeah........about that. Case totally stipped down and is at the powder coater's now. In the pic above I was checking the length of the cables and crimping the ends:

removing cables from the plugs is a ***** even with the correct tools ¬.¬

Now just waiting on some lovely braid to braid up the PSU and then just waiting on getting things back from the powder coater's and trying to source some blue rivets and screws. Will be painting the fans tomorrow so look forward to more pics then.
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Why the change in PSU? Im going to swap mine for a fully modular, order a spear set of cables and mod the one i need down to a mega short needed only length

Good luck finding a modular PSU that will fit unless you dont want to ever take advantage of the extra GPU length in which case the Lian-li Q11 would have been cheaper and can have more HDDs and has a full 5.25" bay. The limit on PSU size for the case is 140x150x86mm all modular PSUs are at least 160x150x86mm. The BeQuiet is the best priced high power 80+ Gold PSU that will fit in this case and really I prefer the efficiency over the slightly higher power out of the stock PSU.

Edit: Sorry reading that back it seems quite aggressive. You should be careful what PSU you do pick though as you may end up removing the massive advantage that this case has as being the smallest case that will take any GPU (apart from triple slot ones but that is just ridiculous)
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Good luck finding a modular PSU that will fit unless you dont want to ever take advantage of the extra GPU length in which case the Lian-li Q11 would have been cheaper and can have more HDDs and has a full 5.25" bay. The limit on PSU size for the case is 140x150x86mm all modular PSUs are at least 160x150x86mm. The BeQuiet is the best priced high power 80+ Gold PSU that will fit in this case and really I prefer the efficiency over the slightly higher power out of the stock PSU.

Edit: Sorry reading that back it seems quite aggressive. You should be careful what PSU you do pick though as you may end up removing the massive advantage that this case has as being the smallest case that will take any GPU (apart from triple slot ones but that is just ridiculous)

Seasonic PSU will fit perfectly. It's a STD ATX sized unit. Just offers proper modular conections etc.
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