Hello everyone
Last year in June/July I completed my first watercooled build "Clear & Simple" which was a hardline watercooled loop using acrylic in the black/white/monochrome colour scheme. It looked great but was rather "muted" in the style area not to mention the R9 290X which didn't really fit into the rest of the systems specifications.
So, I've decided to have another but this time it's going to be a little bit different. For the project the target will be improving the aesthetics to something more colorful and "eye-popping" to help the system stand out, hence the name Deuterium (Nuclear Fusion fuel) . As a result the colour scheme for the system is going to be a black, silver/chrome, blue and purple.
This build log is going to go more in depth as I have never attempted case modding, acrylic fabrication or cable sleeving so it will be a learning curve.
Now, without further ado the hardware:
CPU: Intel i7 5820K
Motherboard: EVGA X99 Micro 2
GPU: Palit NVidia GTX 1080 "Founders Edition"
RAM: 32GB of Corsair Vengeance 2400MHz DDR4
SSD: Samsung EVO 850 500GB
Fans: EK Vardar F1-120
Cables: Custom Pexon PC Teleios cables
Case: Caselabs S5
The loop
CPU WB: EK Supremacy EVO Nickel/Plexi
GPU WB: EK GTX 1080 Nickel/Plexi with nickel backplate
Radiators: XSPC EX360 & EX240
Pump: Laing D5
Reservoir: AquaComputer Aqualis Eco 100ml
Tubing: If all goes well, 12/10 Mayhems Glass tubing
Fittings: 12/10 EK-HDC Fittings
So that is all for now (I have already started working on the case) but I plan to get some updates done very soon
Sidenote: No this build is not sponsored but many thanks to Aytex for the header/logo
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