Project Dinosaur Build. Restoring of a 14 year old case! [Full build, Pic heavy]

16 Dec 2005
Halifax W'Yorkshire


Right where to begin, My missus likes to play games on her laptop, and the past year we played Wow together and her laptop handled it fine, but now we have moved to ESO, and basically it chugs along at 9-16fps on her laptop.

So, today I realised, we have a downstairs computer made up of my old core2duo rig which i put in this case as the home internet browsing system when I upgraded my mobo/cpu/ram to sandy bridge few years ago, it is never used downstairs and was sat collecting dust, so I decided to rip it apart, see what I can salvage.

To begin with I cut some fan holes With tin snippers, don't have a dremmel so its not very neat. the old case only supported 80mm fans, and then I spray painted it, added some fan controllers, some fan grills, and put in my old x2900xt which was sat in the cupboard, and a new power supply, drilled some holes for the front intake fans to draw in air. Covered the intake fans with tights as dust filters. added some ram and my old corsair A50 cpu cooler.

The cable tidying was hard, there is NO room behind the motherboard tray at all as you will see!

Ill let the pictures tell the story! but im quite happy with how its turned out, iv never painted a case or anything like that before, its turned out alright.
I wish there was something more I could do with the front of it, but ya know its alright for a few hour job.
Oh also, theres two different paints, the black paint for the interior was just some heat resistant stove paint that I use to keep the fireplace looking tidy, and the exterior paint was some shiney car bumper paint that I used to give its standard black paint job a bit of a shine, also I cut the X shape from the window panel that isn't featured in the pictures..

It plays elder scrolls online pretty good for a old 2900xt, 30-60fps @ 1680x1050 on low but high subsampling.

And my missus is pleased with it, her first ever gaming computer.
The Sims & Facebook will absolutely fly now!

Also, this build cost nothing but a few hours to do, didn't spend a penny on it, its just made up of stuff out of my cupboard of old bits.

I have a 4870X2 in the cupboard that's dead, ill try bake it back to life, although when it was dying, I oven baked it about 10 times to use it for around 6 months longer before I got my first HD7950, so I think its properly dead, but ill give it a try as a little project when I get time!

Specs are as follows:

E6600 @ 4ghz 1.55v
4gb OCZ DDR2 PC6400
Asus P5W DH Deluxe
Tagan Piperock 700W
HD 2900 XT
X-FI Fatality FPS (added after I took pictures)

























































Hope you enjoyed this project!
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Thanks, Like I said I spent £0 doing this, just a bit of left over spray paint, and old bits from the cupboard! I even went as far as using black marker pen for colouring in the sata cables black and also the 6 pin and 8 pin pci-e cables, because I ran out of black paint. and believe it or not, I actually did the whole face of the 22" monitor black with my marker pen, and believe it or not, the finish is fantastic now its dried, to look at it, you wouldn't think the face of the monitor face was silver before haha!.
Quite proud of what iv achieved from just spare materials and a few hours! Also it was fun to be back overclocking a Conroe :P I didn't think id remember how to do it, but that e6600 from what I remembered was a good clocker, its better than I thought now with a better cpu cooler than it had 8 years ago!
Im also quite shocked at how good the 2900xt is, playing todays games on low, I mean when I got that card, I instantly thought what have I done, the 2000 and 3000 series ati cards was pretty much fails, I couldn't run crysis on ultra with good frames and 8800gtx people could play it at about 25-30fps on ultra where as my 2900xt was 5 frames less and I was devastated back then! But like now in this situation, my missis's laptop has a 480M GeForce or something built into it, and it plays elder scrolls online at 1280x720 all on lowest settings apart from subsampling (which if you lower you get really good fps, but a really blury screen so that setting always has to be on high).
her laptop gets 9-15fps, where as this 2900xt gets 30-60 fps sometimes higher, same settings but at 1680x1050 res, and her laptop has some i3 dual core job inside it also!
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thanks guys, just picked up a £12 desk from argos and strapped it to the side of my desk, it wasn't the correct hight etc so I had to ajust the height of it by not following the instructions and screwing the legs in different places, and iv lashed it to my desk with some tie wraps so its sturdy as a rock. heres the finished desk, will be making my own desk some time from a 2 meter kitchen unit when I get round to it though.

My missus rig on the left with a 22" belinea (originally silver, marker pen painted black), and my beast on the right with a 24" asus, check my project log in my cig to see my 750d build :)

Just a little update, got a Crucial m4 64gb SSD drive for this rig as the two old hard drives in it was slow, the old hdd's had 22000 hours on for the 80gb hdd, and the 160gb data drive had 29000 hours on :O both though was in good health on crystal disk info apparently.

But on crystal disk mark both drives was around 20mb/s
And now this m4 SSD, running on SATA2 which the p5w dh only supports, its getting 260mb read and 230mb write so im quite happy, only paid £20 for the drive including a USB caddy :)

Also, when the new 390X is out, I will be getting one for my rig and sticking a 7950 in it, or possibly even two :p for the laugh :)
I love playing with old crap :D

The only thing I would have done extra is order a piece of 3mm acrylic to make a new, plain, front with. All you need to do is just get it cut to size if you don't have a Dremel and secure it on with 3M foam tape.

Cutting a 120mm fan into the front. or heck even two, would be pretty easy.
I love playing with old crap :D

The only thing I would have done extra is order a piece of 3mm acrylic to make a new, plain, front with. All you need to do is just get it cut to size if you don't have a Dremel and secure it on with 3M foam tape.

Cutting a 120mm fan into the front. or heck even two, would be pretty easy.

Aye true, I didn't really want to spend any money on this project though wanted to just keep it simple and work with what I had.

Though with that said, I might cut more fan holes when I add one of my 7950's to it, but cooling wise, its absolutely fine at the moment
Connectors? You mean the connectors where they connect to the power supply?

Its a tagan piperock 700W, got it from ocuk about hmm 2010 I think.
They don't make them any more though.

click for img

Yeah, first time I've seen them they look quite cool with those lights ;)
Nice job of using old components bringing them back to life :)

Thank you :)

Btw I got a trust message asking about how I sprayed the case incase anyone else is wondering, literally, iv never ever spray painted anything before in my life, it was literally a can of black paint that is used for spraying the wood burning stove to make it black again, I just sprayed away with that and sprayed every bit that was originally silver metal. easiest thing iv ever done. the paint was some sort of heat resistant paint, its made a nice matt finish though cause its pretty thick paint.
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