Project Empty Space

Interesting idea to do the 1080 rad mounted to the actual case. I had the same case using 580 3gb SLI under water plus the CPU but had a 360+240 rad internally on it and it was a nightmare to build. The case also weighed an insane amount when it was filled!

Insane weight does not give this justice, its a pretty heavy case when empty, now I estimate it comes in at a good 30KG or more. Its actually easier just to disconnect the side panel and move it in two bits!

Will get pics up tomorrow and take a few more after I've cleaned up a little, been an emotional weekend, I have green hands, a bruised arm and a fat lip from biting it when I nearly dropped the case!

I'm going to add a small external res (probably an EK cylinder) to make filling easy, as I intend to have the GPU under water by the months end I don't want to go through all this hassle again filling!
Yeah around 30kg is easily a good estimate of how much it'll weigh. Mine was very hard to lift when it was finished and the loop was filled with around 3 litres of the same coolant. The GPUs with the water blocks weigh around 1kg each due to the sheer amount of steel they are made from lol.
aww bugger, keep forgetting to update this :o

I'll shove some pics up of the latest loop re-build later tonight. Though its all coming apart again at the weekend to sell the motherboard and CPU. X79 is en-route, GB X79-UD7 + i7 3820, probably a change of colour too. I did debate stripping the case completely and getting it powder coated but it seems to much hassle.

EK are set to announce waterblocks for the lightning tomorrow (so I'm told) so hopefully I'll have one by the end of next week. Looking forward to seeing the card fly under water, already hit 1250/1750 with very little hassle and still 0.8v to play with. With reduced temps on the VRM's I'm hoping to hit around 1350/1850 with it :)

I should have a better camera (phone) by the time I rebuild too, Galaxy S3 on its way to replace my Desire HD.

The weight of the thing is crazy, having narrow doorways doesn't help matters either, I managed to skin my knuckle on a door the last time I moved the case :rolleyes:
Ok pictures!! poor ones at that, just something with the lighting and my phone seem to hate each other.




The reason my optical drive wasn't working :rolleyes:

Vipers on the XTX360:

Dry build, a tubing mess if you will:

The rad mount and tubing, this is getting changed, multi option EK res going above the rad on rebuild:

STILL have air in the loop, last time I skip using a res. Thinking of something like the EK multioption 250 advanced res mounted just above the radiator :)
Sandybridge is now gone, say hello to SB-E!

How does an X79-UD7 paired up with a 3960X sound? ;)

Build will re-start tomorrow provided my res arrives.

Edit: also we will have better pics! Got a new phone last weekend (S3) and the camera is a thousand times better than on the DHD I had :D
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Just an update, I haven't gone AWOL, system doesn't work, either the PSU, CPU or Motherboard is faulty :(

Looking like all 3 are going to get returned, also going to get a refund on the CPU and go for a 3820.
Ok I got the system sorted, turned out to be a dead CPU of all things, so played it safe on a retail 3820 for now.

GPU waterblock is due next week along with some nice new 2400mhz memory, so while I'm doing that I'll update with more pics :)
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