Project: Ghost of the STY (the return!!)

Loop number 2 up and running -


Pic with side rested against case -


All thats left now is to spray the dvd drive white, final bit of cable management and thats it, will get some finished pics up this weekend.

Already booted fine into windows, everything is running nice and chilly :D
Definitely white Andy. The project looks superb. Not a Celtic fan are you? :D

Doe the motherboard covering no longer fit? I ask because I thought it looked absolutely awesome on another build I looked at, very clean and tidy.
Definitely white Andy. The project looks superb. Not a Celtic fan are you? :D

Doe the motherboard covering no longer fit? I ask because I thought it looked absolutely awesome on another build I looked at, very clean and tidy.

Cheers guys, white it is then.

Nah not a celtic fan :D The thermal armour wont fit now what with the mosfet block, I agree though it does look good.
This looks rather nice, the White and green actually work, and it looks real nice!

mod the thermal armour?

I second this! I have the same motherboard and that MOSFET block for my new build and I will be modding my thermal armour to fit (after all, who needs a warranty? ;P ).
I've been saying white and green would for for months! Saying that I had in mind a darker green, which unfortunately I don't actually think is possible (LED restrictions etc..)

Very nice build, only thing that is a slight shame is the light leaking from around the DVD drive!

I really like the green and white which is a shock.

I'm glad you painted the DVD drive as well it would have stuck out something rotten other wise. Also I agree about modding the thermal armour.
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