Project: H2Orange

17 Sep 2012

Well, its time to rebuild my computer, its getting on a bit, and although the componants have stood the test of time well, im just getting bored with the overall build. So, time to do a rebuild!!!!

First and foremost though, i need to thank these awesome people/companies for either sponsoring me, discounting stuff for me (as i am on a really tight budget) or just generally been there when ive needed help with things!

To start with: (more will be said about these awesome folk as the build progresses!! i mean, a belly dancing costume manufacturer sponsoring a computer build!?! WHAT!??)


So, what have i got so far?

Some of this gear has been kindly donated by coolmiester over at XSPC, some of it ive bought from OCUK and some of it i already have, but this is where i gained the "h2o" part from, theres going to be quite a bit of Mayhems fluid in this, and as seen as its going white and orange again, and as seen as im using a H2 case, the name works quite well!!!

Here is the water cooling thats going in!

1 x XSPC H2 Enthusiast Tower Case - Black £419.99
1 x XSPC Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UP7 WaterBlock £89.99
1 x XSPC EX480 120mm Radiator - Black £66.95
2 x XSPC EX360 Crossflow Radiator £52.99 (£105.98)
1 x XSPC RayStorm CPU WaterBlock (Intel) £51.98
1 x XSPC Memory WaterBlock + Side Plate Set £46.99
2 x XSPC Photon 170 Tube Reservoir £37.99 (£75.98)
1 x XSPC Universal Memory Side Plate (Twin Set) £19.99
1 x XSPC 5.25” Bay Temperature Sensor Frame £9.95
1 x XSPC 120mm Universal Radiator Stand £9.9
2 x XSPC Razor SLI Flow Bridge (2 Slot) £8.99 (£17.98)
1 x XSPC LCD Temperature Sensor (White) V2 + G1/4" Inline Sensor £8.99
1 x XSPC LCD Temperature Sensor (Orange) V2 + G1/4" Plug Sensor £5.99
Total : £945.66 (includes shipping : £12.50).

Oh, and 3 XSPC Razor GTX 680 GPU Waterblocks

Pics coming soon!!

Can you guess what the bodystocking manufacturer has sponsored me with!?
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Looking forward to this, but can't but help notice this sponsor

Dust filter with tights perhaps? Really I have no idea...

However do tell us the conversation you had with them. How did pitching that you were planing to build a custom PC with their stockings go down?
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Sounds like this is gonna be awesome :) love the look of the H2 though the bodystocking has me intrigued.

Something I've wondered though is how do you guys get sponsership for your builds? I presume that in your case XSPC want something out of you for them donating their products?
Dust filtering stockings? :p


Looking forward to this, but can't but help notice this sponsor

Dust filter with tights perhaps? Really I have no idea...

However do tell us the conversation you had with them. How did pitching that you were planing to build a custom PC with their stockings go down?

Haha, its not really stockings as we know it, they are "belly stockings" for belly dancers, i didnt know when i started looking into a material to use, but belly dancers actually wear like a "body suit" made out of fine material, making it look like they arent wearing much (if its skin toned)

And your right, i needed some material for some custom dust filters im hoping to make, i ordered a sample from ebay, without really looking at the sellers name, i ended up with something which will fit my build perfectly, i approached them, and they have sent me more than enough! so who knows, i might go belly dancing after!!!

check out what i mean about their material here:

you can get samples by clicking on the "Fabric swatches and straps" section, or by scouring ebay which is where i got mine!!

Sounds like this is gonna be awesome :) love the look of the H2 though the bodystocking has me intrigued.

Something I've wondered though is how do you guys get sponsership for your builds? I presume that in your case XSPC want something out of you for them donating their products?

I managed to get my sponsorship through meeting people at LANS and getting them interested in my previous builds, i also have "got about a bit" in the modding world due to my cable sleeving and also from problems ive had which ive asked for help with, every contact is a good contact, and when i have ideas, but dont have another 3 or 4 grand to throw at a build, its always nice to have the help! In return, the companies get a lot of advertising from me really, my last log got over 14,000 views on this forum alone, plus i got nominated for the "mod of the month" on another rather large website, every view is a potential customer! Also i go to some rather large LANS, and im certainly not shy!!

Meh, now you won't have any spare time to do cables for me /sadpandaface

I will have plenty of time buddy, dont worry, i will be going slow with this build as i want to try and plan some things out, which im not 100% sure how im going to do, so i can think about that whilst i sleeve your cables ;)

Yes Dave!

speaking of cables, get them installed and stop sorting your house out :P

Well this looks like it's going to be something different with a sponsor like that!

haha, yeah, i thought it might turn some heads, at the end of the day, i dont think i will be able to use standard dust filters for what i have planned, so i need to make them myself, i think this material will work great!

thanks lads, i hope i dont dissapoint! I will get some photo's of what i have already in the morning if i get some time!
Interesting stuff, might have to keep that in mind if I ever have to make custom dust filters.

Another option that sprung to mind was Mosquito nets. However no idea how restrictive the airflow would be. Worth testing maybe?

You can also find the material for mosquito nets on it's own, on a particularly popular auction site for £4 per meter.

* Edit

After some thinking. Something else that might be better and have a little more rigidity to the mesh would be the filters used in tumble driers.

Now to find a source where you can buy just the mesh from by the roll/sheet.
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Looking forward to this dave :)

How are you going about getting 2 x 360's in there (presuming in the bottom) with a PSU? Chop out the bottom pair of 5.25 brackets?

And 680 Tri-SLI? Beastly :D
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