Project: H2Orange

Hey Dave, starting my rig next week, but don't worry. I won't bother you with cables until end of March :D I've seen you are very busy lately. Seen the Parvum you helped with the other day, nuce job there.
Waiting for more updates here :D
Keep up the good work.
Right, so lets get some pictures uploaded hey?

A massive thanks to


particularly coolmiester, who without his support, i wouldn't have even thought about rebuilding my computer, certainly not into a case as large as this one!!!
he has helped me, not only with equipment, but also with encouragement when i met him at a few events! THANKYOU!

so, this update, is just some XSPC component porn really, just a little taster as to what im thinking!


Here is the case.... im not going to do much here, other than say.... ITS MASSIVE!!!! apologies about the messy backdrop, i literally grabbed it out of the box and took a picture in excitement, then took it apart, to see what i wanted to do with it. when i rebuild it il take better pictures!!


Reservoirs!!! 2 of them? well, it can only mean 1 thing...> DUAL LOOPS :D


for 2 loops id need 2 pumps though...right? aaah, sweet, i already ordered them :D


But XSPC have these too!!! dual looks that can be seen from the front? hmmm.... 3 reservoirs then? aaaah, why not!


im going to need a lot of fittings.... i know, i know i already have a box full.... but what about these sexy things!!!


they really do look lovely!!


a temp sensor holder... oh, and some temp sensors too (which i already have connected so, there are no pictures of


a 480 Rad? MUCH COOLING!


just to give you an idea of the hight of the case....


that window looks small though... doesnt it? Yeh, il have to do something about that i think ;)
Oh those fittings look the dogs Dave. Triple res sounds intriguing and the case is beast! Looking forward to the next update, don't let us distract you.
Mr Labido the public demand moooar! : )

OK, OK, il post up what little i did yesterday :P

I have full faith you'll do something awesome with this :cool:
Im trying!!! lack of funds is killing me at the moment! every time i think "right, il buy this so i can move forward with the build" something happens and i have to spend the cash. Either way though, il get some stuff sorted!

Totally agree with it.
The public definetely demands moar :D

thanks buddy a little update shortly ;)

Can't wait :)

Thanks man :D

Oh those fittings look the dogs Dave. Triple res sounds intriguing and the case is beast! Looking forward to the next update, don't let us distract you.

Oh and get xspc to print you an orange logo t-shirt !

yeah, i might contact XSPC see if they will do that for me actually haha, im going i51 in a month or so, and hopefully will have soemthing to take there with me, so an orange and white XSPC branded t-shirt would be awesome haha.

that window. for a case so big, it did surprise me how small the window was tbh, it showed everything most people would want to show off though, just not quite big enough for what i wanted to do (or what i think i want to do!)


So, i think this can be the first job.

Look!!! i even measured it properly! its rare i do that, usually i just jump in with both feet, cut away then fix things after :D



a new toy to get the job done




Progress was very slow indeed.
after a hour, id got this far, i didnt want to give up though!


i decided to do it a diffrent way, draw the lines on both sides and dremel half way through on each side and hope that my measurements were correct!!!!!


a hour or two later!!!


Some of the edges do need a little filing down where there are some sharp edges etc, but over all, considering i could have got it done by friends using a laser or something, im really glad i did it myself, it was a lot more rewarding and looks good!
Good job with the dremel.
There is a way to avoid the mistakes if you cut a bit from one side, then another.
Just take thin drill, probably 2mm would do, drill in 4 corners and connect the dots :-)
Been there, done that :D
Wow how many cutting disc's did u go through? Dremels are great but for big cuts it's hard going. I messed up doing mine when I realise I was using a grinding disc and not a cutting one D'Oh!
Went quicker after that. Are u gonna use clear or coloured window?
So today i woke up early, and thought i would have a crack at this rapping thing.... so WORD TO YO MOTHER!

yeah.... maybe im not the next Dr Dre.

I started off with these lovely XSPC RAM blocks. they really do look the bees knees, but they are urm... black =(


well, my first attempt didnt look too bad, in fact, im quite impressed with it. I think i would have got a better result if i used spray paint, but i wanted something a little less


all of them done :D


and for a massive one (oooh er)


ive still got a lot of the wrap to play with, and i am in the process of doing a little bit more... but ive got distracted by geeky things :D
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