Project Hiper Type R's Are ****!

12 Mar 2006
In The Sea Of Leveraged Liquidity

This is my first log so go easy! :) Thought I might make a nice little project log for you lot as we all know how much we cream over this type of stuff. :p

You might have guessed from the title that my old Hiper Type R gave up the ghost, well it took my CPU with it, the little rat! It was only a E4300 so not that bad really. I've been due an upgrade for a while so in essence it was probably a good thing as I might have just sat on this equipment for a while longer.

Well i managed to get my hands on nice little 2nd hand Q6600 and GTX260, probably should have spent a bit more and got a GTX460 but I have been short of cash recently. From what I gather a 260 clocked to 280 speeds is similar in performance to a 460. Hopefully anyway!

Old spec:

Hiper Type R
Asus P5N-E Sli
8800 GTS (92)
250GB 7200.10
20" Dell 2007WFP

New spec:

Coolmaster CM690 II (Ordering over the weekend with a 2 x 140mm Yate Loons to replace case fans, already got scythe's in my P182 so will also use them in the new case)
Corsair TX650W
Gigabyte EP43 - UDSL
Q6600 GO
20" Dell 2007WFP

As you can see i'm keeping my monitor, ram, hard drive.

Lets get building!

First to clear my workspace, got a lot of stuff lying about.

Moved that table upto my other desk and made a small corner workspace so i can browse these forums at the same time. ;) Looking alright now.

Needed to clean the CPU first as it still had some thermal paste on it, bit of tim cleaner and cotton buds and it's good to go.

Will update as i go along, next to fit is the CPU onto the new mobo etc etc
Hiper Type-R, classic PSU.
Still have mine going strong in an old AMD rig, even the recent 8800GT addition didn't cause the expected flames.
Might have to hook it up to a GTX480.

Good luck with the build. :)
Should be a decent upgrade, you know the Hiper was doing you a favour really.
Yeah...wouldnt have upgraded otherwise.

Right, somthing very strange has just happened! Got my new Corsair powering everything up. Plugged everything in properly, when i switch the PSU on the fan starts and powers my mobo up but not the GPU, press the switch with the antec switch and the GPU turns on giving me a signal to the screen. Can get into the bios but then when i change drive priority to cd drive and press a key when it says, i can't then use the keyboard. Odd! It's a usb keyboard by the way. Going out tomorrow to get a cheap ps2 one so i can rule out the usb being the problem.
You see, I have a Hiper Type-R 580W. It's still going strong despite outlasting a Seasonic 400W that I bought to replace it. I really can't fault the thing - it's done an absolutely fantastic job. :)
i still have a type-r 580w as well and the only bad thing i can say about it is that the modular connectors stick out a bit too far, apart from that it has been rock solid for me :)
I had a Hiper Type-R in my old AMD rig, the switch failed on it so I had no 'hard off' without unplugging it lol other than that it worked fine up until the day I threw it away (couldn't sell it with a busted switch (unfortunately) could I)

Incidentally, if you're scrapping your P182, would I be able to scrounge the front usb ports off you? :) My son decided to pull on my camera cable while it was in there didn't like it lol (my own fault for leaving it unattended I guess!! We live and learn!)
Did it work? or are you just generally a very tender man... :p

Yeah worked a treat, cheers! Haha....i'm as tender as you want me to be! ;):p

You see, I have a Hiper Type-R 580W. It's still going strong despite outlasting a Seasonic 400W that I bought to replace it. I really can't fault the thing - it's done an absolutely fantastic job. :)

i still have a type-r 580w as well and the only bad thing i can say about it is that the modular connectors stick out a bit too far, apart from that it has been rock solid for me :)

Just you wait guys! :p

Incidentally, if you're scrapping your P182, would I be able to scrounge the front usb ports off you? :)

Going to be selling it mate, still in great condition.

Here's a pic of the beast working its magic outside of the case i'm ordering at the weekend, going to start seeing how far this Q6600 will go. :)

Just getting speedfan, intel burn, core temp, cpu-z, prime 95, super pi all downloaded then gonna crack on!
Got my hiper 580 used for a decent price from a member on here I semi-know in real life about 4 years ago still going strong though at the time I did wonder why he sold it to me XD

Nice mate looking forward to seeing this build :)

I asked in the price check section idk if you've seen it but is the p182 in black by any chance? XD
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Hey, sorry for not updating i have been quite busy this last week. Hopefully should be able to get the project finished over the next two weeks. Looking foward to it! :)

Dunno if anyone has recognised but i had my username changed, i'm missing my old Thermaltake name, might ask to have it changed back. Feel i've lost part of me! :p

Right, down to business anyway. As you know i was going to purchase a new case (Coolmaster CM690 II) i've now sacked that idea and decided to give my P182 a small mod myself. I've never done anything like this before so it should be a great learning experience, hopefully i won't make a pig's ear of it! :D I'm not sure why i have'nt done anything like this before actually as it really does open up so many opportunities to make a case better, that's if you can find faults obviously.

There's several idea's i have for this mod, firstly i want to make the cable management better, a lot of newer case have several rectangles on the mobo tray dotted around the mobo so wires can be tucked between the side panel and the tray. The P182 has two at the top and one at the side, not enough in my opinion, so i fiddled around with my mobo and decided on 3 extra locations (yellow rectangles) that would make cables easier to hide behind the mobo tray.

Next up was sorting my PSU area, just out of curiosity i opened up my old Hiper PSU, i was gobsmacked at the amount of dirt in it.


Therefore i want to create a hole for the hot air to escape rather than swirl around in the bottom compartment of the P182. (see vertical red arrow & horizontal red line)

Lastly, this is still under debate as i'm going to have to pop some rivets to see if this viable. If you look at the green arrow and green circles on the diagram you can see part of the chassis. This really gets in the way for me when putting components in.

If anyone has had a P182 then you'll know about the black plastic slot compartment which is meant to seperate the bottom cooling to the main top cooling. I think i'm going to remove both the vertical steel spine and horizontal steel plate. It won't affect the overall chassis strength but it will definatley make thing's a lot easier when it comes to cable managment, i also think it might increase cooling capacity especially with the bottom fan hole releasing hot air from the PSU through the bottom of the case.

I've made a quick pic here with paint so you get the jist of what i'm trying to achieve.

I've just drawn out with grey what won't be there, the middle HDD cage and PSU cage won't be there. All four fans will be 120 mm Yate Loons connected up to a fan controller.

Oh yeah, nearly forgot! Will make a nice window aswell.

This window is too big in my opinion. I'm going to make mine so it only shows the motherboard area. The case will be all rounded off with green Led's i think, maybe orange.

Any input is much appreciated, especially you modders out there! :)
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