Project - I bet it will fit

I see a koolance dual bay res, very nice they are, will you be running dual loops or just the one? coloured liquid or clear, coloured looks good in them

I am still trying to justify the price at the moment, very nice though. I will be running a single loop to start as this is the first time I have done anything like this and I am only planning on cooling the CPU to start with, the GPU and possibly other things will be added in later.

I did want to just have distilled water in the system but I know what you mean, it does look very good with coloured liquid in there.

Good work, the steel insert for the top is great.
Im not to sure about the red and blue fleck though (im more of a boring black person).

Thanks, that top took a long time to get it right but I am quite pleased with the results. As for the red blue fleck, I think I was just having one of those moments where I went a little bit crazy, luckily it has passed now and I think I will just go with a black case (possibly a slight metallic) with blue cabling and accessories. I think ;)
Just a small update this time as I am still sanding the whole case down.

Today I got a delivery, it was only a small package, but quite an expensive one. So when I got home from work and saw the state of the box I was a little bit scared!

Once I opened the box and saw how much bubble wrap was in there, I felt a lot better though.

And then the moment of glory!

This is my first SSD so it will be interesting to see how much of a difference it makes.
That sticker pretty much says it all tbh! Enjoy those read/write speeds and report back :D

The door mod looks ambitious but should look sick if you can do it.
The difference soon becomes apparent between SSD and HDD, especially when you use a PC with HDD after you get used to an SSD, you will be very pleased:)
So far today I spent most of my time working out where to put the SSD and making a mount for it. As it cost so much I wanted to be able to show it off a little bit so thought I would make a window for it to be seen through.

Its amazing what can be achieved with a Dremel a file some patience and time.

With the window cut I started to make a mount for it.

Unfortunately I ran out of time before I finished it but im not completely happy with the mount anyway so might do it again in a slightly different way. The idea was to have the SSD behind some acrylic but it is too tight up against the side panel to fit any acrylic in there. I have a few ideas to try out though so should have this sorted out by sunday. :D
Well, I finished the mount for the SSD. It might need to be secured at the top in some way but will decide on that tomorrow when I put the acrylic in.

Sorry I did not take any more pics but I got a bit carried away and forgot to grab the camera a bit more.
Really nice work so far mate...

Thanks mate. :D

Today I started on the windows, I also found out how expensive router bit are!!!!:eek:

I wanted the windows to look like they were embedded in the metal work rather than stuck on behind it. I also did not want to see any screws or bolts so decided to cut a piece that was too big and then use a router to remove 1.5mm thickness from around the edge so it was only 1.5mm thick rather than 3mm thick. It was actually a lot harder to do though as just setting up the router took a long time and I managed to do it wrong twice. Eventually I got it to look how I wanted it to though.

Next, the big window!
I'm going to be keeping an eye on this, looks like a very interesting build! I find myself becoming more and more interested in the project logs section. This doesn't bode well for my future bank balance. :D

I looked through the thread and didn't notice any information, can I ask what the black and white fans you have are? I'm looking to swap out all my case fans to ones of that colour scheme but am having trouble finding any decent ones for a good price. Are they fairly quiet?
If you carry on like this the whole way through it will be one of the best mods ever, this case is going to be so slick!

Thanks. :D

The only reason it is taking so long to do any of this is because I am so fussy. I also have no experience of doing this sort of thing so have to learn as I go. That means I often have to do things several times to get it right.

I looked through the thread and didn't notice any information, can I ask what the black and white fans you have are? I'm looking to swap out all my case fans to ones of that colour scheme but am having trouble finding any decent ones for a good price. Are they fairly quiet?

The white ones are the standard ones that you get with the Phantom case, I have no idea how good or loud they are. The black ones are just old broken fans that I put in to check spacing and iirc were not very good either. I know this has not really helped, sorry about that. :(

The 120mm fans that I will be using will be Akasa AK-FN058 Apache Black Super Silent 120mm Fan and there will be 7 of them.
The 140mm fans I still have not decided on yet as I am still going through reviews.

The reason for not finding any thing on parts yet is because I am waiting to see what the new BD cpu is like. If its good then I might go with that, if not then this will be an i7 2600k.
The 120mm fans that I will be using will be Akasa AK-FN058 Apache Black Super Silent 120mm Fan and there will be 7 of them.

Effectively I'm umming and urring between getting 6 of said Black Apaches and a couple of PWM power splitters, or getting a fan controller and a bunch of cheaper case fans. I'm leaning more towards the Apaches since the one I already have really is excellent. But my case is basically all black on the inside (Motherboard included) and looks a bit bland. Ho hum.

Anyway, thanks for answering, I'll let you get back to your thread now. :p
Just a small thing today.

I have finally decided on a proper project name


This is because it is my first water cooled build and the acrylic I am using is Neptune blue. I am also considering getting something like this

engraved in to the acrylic somewhere.

What do you guys think?
Right, less of an update, more of a problem.

I was planning on getting the Koolance RP-452X2 Dual 5.25" res and mounting it so it could be seen with the door closed (SketchUp pic further up), but no one seems to have one or know when they will get any. Which means that I need to find a different res.

Any ideas on what one to get? I will be using a D5 pump and it needs to look the part as well as function well. I don't really want to spend more than £120 on the res which will leave me enough to get the pump.
I have managed to locate a Koolance RP-452X2 Dual 5.25" res and it should be here on Tuesday. Crisis averted!

I also had the slot loading DVD drive turn up. New crisis started!

I wanted to swap the LED on the front for one that was blue (it is the standard green at the moment) but it is an SMD LED and now im a bit stuck. I was also planing on moving the eject button to the front of the case (so I dont have to open the door to press it) but that is also on the same bit as the LED and I dont think I can move it.

Any ideas on what I could do?
Is it possible to extend the ribbon thing that it is all on?
I would have jsut used the disk cutter on the dremel for the window :P. Dont bother with router bits haha.

Thing is, if I had done that then the window would not look like it was embedded in the metal and I really want this to look a certain way (and hopefully not poo).
Well, after a lot of asking around and a lot of researching, I have decided to not do the eject button as I don't think I can make it look how I want it to.

I can still eject the disc through windows though so its not really a problem.

I also had a go at the large window but it was about 1mm out so I ordered some more acrylic and will be having another try today.
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