Project Icarus

Nice looking build mate. Fantastic design on the filters :D

Why you ordering a new mid wall?

Bent wrong ever so slightly, Not an issue and i fancy a colour change.. perhaps red :O Although they said some unique colours may be coming.. if any special flaked effects came along id be all over it

Did you go to the Ethermaster school of speccing? that's a damn nice build there fella :)

I had a spec me thread u may of posted in ;) Thankyou for the comments
Nice Dust Filter mod there mate!! Very nicely done and looks well with the rest of the case! Anymore plans for it :)?
That looks like a great way to filter out the dust. That was the thing which put me off the parvum cases. They look sexy as though

I've used a similar concept, but cut out some circular Demciflex filters and just pressed them between the layers. They get hoovered once a week which seems adequate at the moment.

Here's the fan filters.

Made out of material which is basically like mosquito net / water strainer the holes are about 1mm each so should get most the dust I hope.

What did you use to tape them to the back of the front panel? How are they performing also?

Nice, Great looking case. Looks like it keeps the cables hidden well

All the cables are round the back, a superb design and reasonably easy to work on :)
Superb, I'm loving the addition of the dust filters, their a must in my eyes :)

Thankyou, they really do help

Nice Dust Filter mod there mate!! Very nicely done and looks well with the rest of the case! Anymore plans for it :)?

New bits when parvum release. 240mm floor vents for more intake :D

What did you use to tape them to the back of the front panel? How are they performing also?

Insulation tape, performing pretty well i got the idea from your thread ;)
The case looks really clean and empty (but in a good way). Parvum do some very nice builds and have been tempted ever since I saw the Titanfall Custom Build by them. Nice :D
Very nice. I always thought this case too small for me but it really isn't that small. I'm going to hold out for the full ATX one though!
Been gaming today getting temps of 70-80 on battlefield 3 and really noisy :( I need this bottom panel asap as the case is a pure heat trap as it sits
Have you heard from parvum at all lately? Been sending them e-mails about my panel but i think they might bogged down with work.
Its having a rebuild this week if i can get hold of a damn midwall in black and bottom panel :( Even just one of them would make me happy at the moment
Heres a new photo with the new fans.. And took on my new camera


Full res photo here

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